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Hi! So this is the first part! Please remember to vote and comment. The next update will either be this Sunday or the one after because this is being started on a Wednesday.



Hi! Don't mind me. I just edited the Prologue so if you get notified then don't worry xx


Servants hurried past me, rushing to fulfil their tasks.

The palace hummed with the hustle of everyday life. But it wasn't everyday.

Tomorrow I would marry Pharaoh Ramses of Egypt to save my country. I didn't want to but I had to.

If I didn't marry him then all hell would be set loose.

Egypt would declare war on the Hittite empire and I already knew they would win. There was no doubt in my mind.

It wasn't that I was scared of marrying; I had always known the time would come for an arranged marriage, but more that he was already marriage to two women. Nefertiti and Isetnofret.

Each were as in favour as the other and each could poison me the second I stepped foot into their harem.

But I had to do it. I had to be brave and save my people.

My stomach felt a little queasy all of a sudden and my hands fisted at my sides.

I would not let anyone harm my family or country no matter what.

All I had ever done my life was sit in a palace whilst people starved outside the walls. Now it was my turn to save them.

My walking slowed as I came to the beautiful garden where my favourite bench sat by the edge.

Making my way to it, I sat down.

The slaves that had been following me hurried to circle around me and start fanning the undesirable heat away.

I tilted my head back in peace and let my eyes slide shut.

They must of been like that for a while because all of a sudden, my eyelids darkened and a cool breeze rushed past.

Within a second, my eyes snapped open and I looked around.

A scared looking slave stepped back with the long feather she had been using to fan me with.

Also, shading me so that not a single ray of sun had tanned my skin.

"Slave," I snapped. "Take that feather away and let the others handle it."

The slave cowered back and guilt clouded me.

I guess I shouldn't have been so stroppy... maybe she was new and didn't know that I liked to come here to sunbathe.

I sighed, sorry for her.

Just before she ran away I muttered to her, "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to deal with some problems."

She had already left.

It didn't matter too much.

My mind wandered back to Egypt.
I had never been before but my father and brother had and every time they came back to the Hittite empire they would constantly talk about how amazing it had been.

Apparently, now that Ramses was more supported than before, Egypt was loved and cared for greatly by her inhabitants.

Being Queen of Egypt couldn't be too bad.

A short and pudgy woman ran towards me suddenly, out of breath.

I glanced up, not too bothered.

"What is it?" I asked from where I was lounged on the bench.

The woman caught her breath before speaking.

"The King wishes you to the throne room immediately. Your marriage has been put forward."

So it was very short being a prologue and obviously not that good but I wanted something up. I will be editing this, but if you like the plot add it to your libraries and vote! xxx

Maathorneferure THE EGYPTIAN QUEENWhere stories live. Discover now