Tech Week (Part 1)

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(Will be long.  I go into detail about the different scenes.)

Genesis' POV

"On this December 16, 2013 at 3:00 pm we begin our Tech Week!" Kara called out.  We all whooped and hollered from center stage.  I felt ready.  We had blocked all of our scenes, and everyone knew their lines.  Now it was Tech Week, when we are at the school till really late and we have to run and perfect the show.  JJ (Beezus), Nikki (Stage Manager), Oliver (Henry), Adrian (Howie), Tara (Ramona's Classmate), Grant (Ramona's Classmate), and I were all going out for pizza on the break.

"Alright, we are going to run the entire show before we break at 5:30.  When we get back from that I want to work on lighting, sound, and set changes.  So, Nikki, get ready to do some yelling." Kara said.  "You got it Kara!" Nikki yelled as she went into her little spot backstage.  Nikki was the boss of, like, the whole crew.  "Gen?  Wanna talk to you really quick." Kara said as I started to go backstage.  "Yeah?" I asked as I jumped into the stage pit to talk with her.

"Your gonna be able to work through this tonight, right?  It's long hours and I know this is your first play..." Kara said.  "I'll be fine Kara.  I've stayed up till three in the morning watching movies before." I told her.  "That's my super star.  Now, get to your spot!  Also, have Nikki mic you up." she demanded.  I jumped up and went to my spot.  Crew had already gotten my monkey bars on stage and Adrian and a few other kids were waiting on the stage.  "Nikki?  You got my mic?" I asked.  Nikki ran onto stage and hooked me up to the headset mic.  "1-2-3.  Am I on?" I tested it over the speakers.  "Your good!" I heard Kara yell from the house.

We ran the opening scene, and then the next, and the next...until we finished Act 1.  Then we came down to center stage for notes.  "Okay, I need to have costume updates like ASAP for...Ramona, Beezus, Henry, Susan, and Mrs Meacham.  Plus everyone in the wedding scene, you need your dresses or suits really soon.  That's something you guys should look into on break." Kara said.  I took out my pen and wrote that down on my arm.  JJ rolled her eyes and handed me a piece of paper.  "You're gonna get ink poisoning." she said.

I chuckled, then wrote the same thing down on the paper and rolled down my sleeve.  Kara told us the rest of her notes, and I wrote all of mine down on the piece of paper.  "Alright, five minute break and then we run Act 2." Kara said.  "Yo!  Gen-Gen!  Come here!" JJ yelled to me.  

I went over to JJ and looked at her laptop.  "What are you doing as far as costume for the show?  You have three costume changes: regular, school picture day, and the wedding.  I have two: regular and wedding." she asked me.  "Actually...Kara?  What about what Gen is wearing now?  That would be good for her regular character." Nikki said as she approached us.  Kara came over and looked at my outfit.  It was a white t-shirt with a black heart, my red jeans, and a jean shirt tied around my waist.

"That's good.  Now, something for the wedding and school picture day." Kara said as she walked away.  "Okay, wash that and do not wear it until the performance on Saturday." JJ said.  I took my iPod out and snapped a picture of the outfit so I wouldn't forget it.  "So when we go out for pizza we need to either find your picture day outfit or the wedding outfit." Nikki said.  I nodded and then Kara called for us to come to center stage.  

"Guys, this play is so far going really well.  I'm very proud of all the dedication you guys are putting into this.  So, before I get emotional, let's run Act 2!" she called out.  We all went to our first positions.  For me it was being out on the lawn, trying to sell lemonade.  We ran that scene and then onto the one where I wash "Hobart's" car and then him and "Aunt Bea" have their deep conversation.  Then came the funniest scene.  The one when Roberta spits the peas all over me.  It was kinda gross, but really funny after a while.  

After that I had a quick change, cause I had to get into my 'picture day' outfit and get the pea gunk off me.  Luckily, the song that played between those scenes gave me just enough time to change.  Then was the school scene when I had to do another something gross, crack the raw egg on my head.  However, the catch was that I had a wig on that had the picture day hair on it.  So the egg never got on my real hair.  After that was when my stage dad and Beezus opened the mail and saw my picture, which was really just a piece of paper.

Then was my montage where I do a bunch of different chores on stage while they play my song.  Then we cut to the scene where I get my own room, then "Beezus" tells me about the monsters that are in your room when you're alone.  Then I had my sick day scene, and it split when me and my stage dad created the longest picture in the world and we talked about when he was an artist.  I finally had a break after that.  "Beezus" and "Henry" had a scene together at a park bench about how "our dad" was laid off and that "mom and dad" fight more.

Then I got the scene when I present the longest picture in the world to my class.  Set and crew had been working on it for two weeks and it looked so cool!  After that was when "Beezus" and I come home to "Mom and Dad" having a bad fight, so "Beezus" makes me go to my room and I have a conversation with the cat, Picky Picky.  Then comes the weekend when Picky Picky dies.  That scene I have to be super sad and stuff, which can be kinda hard.  Then the our stage dad comes in while "Beezus", "Mom", and I talk about Picky Picky's death, and says he got the job and we will have to move.

Finally, we cut to Act 3 and have a fifteen minute intermission.  Then "Beezus" and I have the conversation at night in her room.  All the lights are dimmed and it looks cool.  Then came the scene were when we are all fixing the house and "Hobart" proposes to "Aunt Bea".  I get super angry at all of them and run away.  Then after "my family" comes and finds me.  After that is the final scene.  The wedding scene.  "Hobart"  loses the ring, "Beezus" and "Henry"  kiss, "Dad" gets a job as the art teacher at my school, and then "Aunt Bea" tells me the last line of the show before curtain call...

"Ramona, you're extraordinary."

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