Girl's Day!

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"Here we are!" Jen said excitedly.  I looked out the window and saw we were outside a salon.  "We are gonna get princess makeovers!" Jen said excitedly.  Stella's face lit up.  "Princess Makeovers!" she squealed.  "Yeah!  Let's go in!" Jen said, keeping the excitement level up.  I was excited too, even if I wasn't a girly girl.  Jen took our hands and we walked up to the salon, 'Mane Attraction'.  Get it?  Mane, like your hair?  Haha!

"Hello Miss Lawrence!  We've been expecting you and your little darling girls!  Hello girls, my name is Hannah Yolana." said a lady with really big hair and a lot of makeup on.  "Hi Hannah!  Girls, this is Hannah.  She was part of the makeup crew on the movie set." Jen explained.  "Ah, the fuss isn't about me!  It's about these beautiful ladies you have with you today!  Come along Miss Genesis, Rya is waiting for you!" Hannah said leading me away from Jen.  I turned around trying to stay with her, but she pushed me ahead.

Hannah lead me to the lady with tan skin and short black hair.  She didn't have nearly as much makeup on as Miss Hannah.  "Hi Genesis!  I'm Rya, I'm your stylist!  Go ahead and sit right there!" Rya said all happy.  I sat down in the big salon chair and tried to look for Jen.  Her and Stella were already gone.  "We're gonna do your hair and makeup.  Let's start with your hair.  Do you wanna cut it, color it, do something crazy?" Rya asked.  I turned my head in the mirror and tried to think of an idea.  "Cut a little off?  To right here." I said pointing to the top of my rib cage.  "Sounds good!" she said happily.

She leaned my head into a big sink thingy and started scrubbing my hair.  It felt so good and tingly.  But it hurt my eyes to keep looking up, so I squinted them shut.  Hey!  That rhymed!  Rya then combed my hair out and carefully cut the bout five inches of hair all the way around.  She kept saying about how everything needed to be 'perfect-o'.  Then she blow dried it for forever!  She did it for at least an hour!  "Let's see this beautiful new hair cut!" Rya said and she turned the chair.  I smiled so big as I saw how fluffy and shiny my hair was.

"Makeup time girly!" Rya said and she put a huge caddy on the table.  My eyes widened at the site of so much glittery and girly stuff.  "Wow!" I said excitedly.  "Alright.  I'll show you what it is, what is does, and where it goes." Rya said as she opened her huge makeup box.  She showed me the stuff called concealer, foundation, powder, lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, blush, eye shadow, and a whole bunch or brushes and pencils that she called her 'blending tools'.

She had me close my eyes so she could do the makeup and it tickled.  But it hurt when a little of the mascara got in my eye.  I wanted to cry, but Rya said that if I did the makeup would run.  I didn't know what it meant if the makeup ran, but I didn't want to upset Rya.  She played with the makeup on my face for about 45 minutes.  Do you know how hard it is to sit still for that long?  It isn't fun!  I have trouble sitting still for five minutes!

But when Rya was done, I could barely recognize myself.  I looked like a real princess!  Well, minus the prince and dress.  "Wow!  You look gor-ge-ous!" Rya said putting emphasis on each sylla-sylla-crap!  I still can't say that big fancy word!  Whatever.  I looked over at the big TV while Rya was putting some stuff in my hair.  'Miranda Lambert in Search of Her Missing Daughter'.  Huh, that's pretty sad.  I really like Miranda Lambert!  I listened to the news story and heard her talk.

"I had my daughter when I first started singing about ten years ago, but someone took her from the hospital.  They abducted my daughter!  It really pains me to know that...someone would be so sick as to take my little girl.  I knew her for two minutes before the doctor took her away.  Then somebody took her!  Her name?  Her name was gonna be Arizona, Ari for short.  I just want to find my daughter."

That was really sad.  Poor Miranda.  I love her music and I don't like to see my favorite people sad.  "Well, what do you think?" Rya asked.  I looked in the mirror and was in shock.  "I love it!" I squealed.  I loved how I looked.  I ran to were Jen was when I saw her.  "You look gorgeous!" Jen exclaimed.  "Thank you." I said bowing like a princess.  Stella looked so pretty!  "You look great sis!" I told her.  "You too!" she told me.

"You girls wanna know why we got all prettied up?" Jen asked.  "Why?" Stella and I asked.  "Because we are gonna go to a party with the cast of The Hunger Games!" Jen exclaimed.  I started jumping up and down with excitement.  I loved The Hunger Games!  And I got to meet the cast!  This was turning out to be the greatest day ever!


Howdy Ho my friends!  Do you have any ideas of what might be happening soon?  There is a reason this story has its tags.  Tell me what you think of the story and what you think will or should happen! 

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