Dark and Stormy Night...

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I left pretty much right after the play.  I was about ready to cry.  I had been checking my phone like crazy all day.  I really wanted to get that call from the doctor's office.  As soon as I was offstage I high-five Genesis and then checked my phone.  He texted me?  What kind of doctor texts?  Either way, I looked down and nearly cried.

"I'm sorry JJ.  The ultrasound came back and their was no heartbeat.  You lost the baby."

I had been pregnant for two months.  It was my boyfriend's baby.  We had sex one night and it went too far.  I was thrilled to have a baby though, and so was Nick.  We had two names picked out, one for a boy and one for a girl: Ross and Zara.  I had to get out of here, Mike would be waiting hoping for good news.  I wasn't sure how I was gonna tell him.  He was so excited, we had a place picked out that we would move into during the summer and we would live there together.

I didn't even grab my clothes or change out of the wedding dress, I just left, making myself look like the runaway bride.  I met up with Mike in his car.  "Hey JJ." Mike said as I got into his car.  I burst into tears without warning.  "Woah, woah, woah babe.  What's wrong?" he asked.  "I lost the baby." I cried.  As I cried, I could tell Mike was trying to be manly as he dropped his head into his hands.  "It isn't fair!  We wanted that baby so badly!" I screamed.  "I know, I know it isn't fair.  We would have been...g-great parents." he stumbled.

We sat in his car for about ten minutes and just cried.  Eventually the cries became small sniffles.  "I'm sorry I couldn't keep him or her." I whispered.  "It's okay.  It's not your fault." he said as he draped his arm over my shoulder.  "So," I started as I wiped my eyes "Now what?"

"Let's go out.  My buddy Jake, he's having a party.  You wanna go to that?" Mike asked lovingly.  "You know what?  I could go for that." I said trying to smile.  Mike started his car and started to pull out of the parking lot.  I scheduled an appointment to have the fetus removed from my body in a couple days, before Christmas.  "Did you bring any extra clothes?  I don't know if you'll wanna be wearing that." Mike said, trying to joke with me, distract me.

"Nah, I'll be fine." I said with a fake smile.  "JJ, you know we don't have to go." Mike said as we pulled onto one of the main roads.  "No, Mike, let's just...let's just go.  I need to distract myself." I told him.  I didn't want to go, but I needed to get my mind off things.  This was when I needed to get out of my head most.  I knew Jake would have a couple heavy drinks at the party.  Now that I didn't have a baby to carry around, a good heavy beer or wine was exactly what I needed.  I leaned my head on the window and watched as it started to pour down rain.


I was close to drunk off my ass.  I was laughing at nothing and everything all at the same time.  I had a feeling that I wouldn't remember anything from tonight in the next few days.  Mike wasn't any better.  Probably one thing that I would remember was him yelling at the squirrel outside, "Sandy!  Bikini Bottom needs you!" and chased it around for ten minutes.  I vaguely remember someone recording it.

"So...you guys gonna...gonna c-crash here?" Jake asked grumbling.  "No. I-I gotta go home.  I have to f-feed my gold fish!" I giggled.  That's when I was sure that I was drunk.

I don't own a goldfish.

Next thing I knew, I was in the car with Mike.  I was driving since I wasn't as drunk as him.  I should have called my mom or dad, but they would be pissed that I got drunk.  I was planning on just going to stay with Mike in his trailer.  Yeah, Mike lived on his own in a trailer park.  Was it a little sketchy to my parents?  Totally, it was even a little weird to me at first.  That was before I realized all the privacy we had.

"Babe, let me drive.  I don't want you to get sick." he said.  I was drunk and willing to anything.  So I got out of the driver seat and slid over into the passenger side.  His trailer park was about fifteen minutes away from Jake's and it was late so we were pretty much in the clear as far as police go.  I leaned my head back on the seat and we blared the radio listening to Nickleback.  I was obviously extremely drunk because I normally hate Nickleback.

We were stopped at a red light but nobody was coming so we figured, in our drunk state, just to go.  But we didn't see the semi backing up.  Before we knew it, the semi truck was slamming into the front of Jake's small car.  I was yelling at him to put it in reverse and get the fuck out of there!  Except, when we put it in reverse we hit another car and slid off the road.

We didn't die slowly.  It was all at once.  We died on impact after falling off the ramp, so it didn't hurt.  A million things flashed before my eyes.  My family, my friends, last week's geometry test, the set of the play, Genesis, and so many other things.  Then I had flashes of what the future could have been.  Me, Mike, our future baby, me at work, playing with our son or daughter.  So many things that I would miss.  

And I gave it all up for a couple rounds of Vodka. 


How many of you were expecting a chapter in JJ's POV?  I told ya'll last chapter that one of my big things was coming up in this chapter so you had it coming.  Any of you that know me as a writer is that I have a tendency to randomly do terrible things to characters so yeah!  Comment, Vote, and Follow Me!

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