Heart to Heart

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Genesis's POV

After dinner, Miranda asked if she could see me play the guitar.    Blake had to leave shortly after to finish up in California for 'The Voice'.  "Okay." I answered.  We went up to the guest room I was staying in.  I got my guitar out of the case and got my lucky pick.  I loved it because it was in the shape of a heart and engraved in gold cursive it said 'Your Love Never Fails'.  Mama got it for me when she first gave me the guitar.  "I like your pick." Miranda said.  I thanked her and tuned my guitar really quick.  "What songs do you know?" Miranda asked.  I thought about the list I had before saying anything.

"I can play: I Wouldn't Mind by He is We, All American Girl by Carrie Underwood, the song I wrote, The Climb by Miley Cyrus, and I'm trying to learn to play Time of Your Life by Green Day." I told her.  "Wow, for only having that thing for a little while, that's really good.  It took me a long time to play really good." Miranda said.  I started playing I Wouldn't Mind and Miranda watched and smiled as I played.  "Forever is a long time...but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile.  I wouldn't mind it, at all.  I wouldn't mind it, at all." I sang at the end.

"That's really beautiful." Miranda said.  "Thanks.  I learned it in a couple days.  I was bored." I said laughing.  "Alright well, tomorrow I was thinking we could go to the studio and record a little bit.  I'm working on this song and it was kind of a mother-daughter duet." Miranda said.  "Mother-daughter?" I asked.  "Oh, if you don't wanna.  It's fine!  If you'd feel weird..." Miranda started saying.  "No!  I-I'd be honored!  Can I see it?" I asked.  "I'd show you but it's not done." she said.  "Oh, okay." I said.

"We can finish it tomorrow.  With the help of my guys at the studio we should be good in no time." Miranda said.  She seemed a little distracted.  "Something wrong?" I asked her.  "No, it's just...have you seen the news stories?" she asked.  "Yeah, about your daughter." I said.  "Yeah, those.  I lied to the media." she said.  "You lied!" I said in shock.  She never had a daughter?!  "No, no, no.  I had a daughter.  She wasn't taken at the hospital though." Miranda said.

"You're gonna have to elaborate, cause I'm as confused as heck!" I said.  "Let me get something really quick." Miranda said.  She got up and opened the bottom dresser drawer.  The one where I found that box.  She took out the box and returned and sat on the bed across from me.  She opened the box and took out a picture and a blanket.  "That was me, when she was born.  That was the blanket my mother made for her." she said as she let me look at the items.  "You looked so young." I said.  "Yep.  I was twenty when I gave birth to her.  Right after I went on Nashville Star.  I had just started my music career." she said.

"So...if you don't mind me asking...what really happened?" I asked cautiously.  I didn't want to upset her if this was a touchy subject.  "Well, I found out I was pregnant as my music career had started up.  I didn't want my daughter to be the center of the spotlight and have a bad rap for getting pregnant at such a young age.  So, I had some friends.  They said they would take care of her.  Then, when I was ready, they would let me adopt her.  I would then tell her what happened and why I did it.  I wanted to take her back when she turned ten." Miranda said.

"So, why didn't you take her back?" I asked.  "I tried to...but...the-the people who I-I gave her to...they...they sold her." Miranda said and she started crying.  I went in and hugged her.  She wrapped her arms around me and cried on my shoulder for a few minutes.  "Sorry sweetie.  I didn't mean to get all sad and stuff.  Anyways...the people who I gave her to...they gave her away.  They just left her on a doorstep and don't know who they gave her to.  Apparently they gave her away within a week of me giving her to them." Miranda said.

"Miranda...oh my God.  I-I'm so sorry." I told her.  "I gave her to them at the hospital, that's where they signed the adoption papers.  I never got to see her after that." Miranda said as she wiped away her eyes.  "Miranda, I'm really sorry.  I wish I could help." I told her.  "It's okay sweetie.  It's nothing we can fix right now." Miranda told me.  She hugged me and rested her chin on my head.  She rubbed circles on my back and I could tell she was trying not to cry.  I yawned and was feeling really tired.  I was pretty sure I was gonna fall asleep right there.

"Oh, hey...it's kinda late." Miranda said as she glanced at the clock.  It was around 10 at night.  I wasn't usually up this late either.  "Come on, let's get you to bed.  Want me to carry you?  You seem a lil' heavy limbed." Miranda said smiling.  She picked up my small frame and carried me upstairs to the guest room.  I rested my head on her shoulder and almost closed my eyes.  She set me down in front of the door.  "Go ahead and get in your pajamas.  I'll be back in a minute." Miranda said.

I pulled out my favorite set of pajamas.  It was a white onzie that had pastel pink flowers on it.  I got dressed and left my hair down.  I even had my little pink flower earrings in to match.  I opened the bedroom door.  Miranda was there in a 'Diamond Rio' band shirt and black yoga pants.  She had her hair down to.  "Hey bud." she said.  We went back to the bed and I got under the pink camo blanket.  I pulled out my stuffed animal horse.  I had it since the hospital.  One of the nurses there gave it to me.  

I laid down in the bed and Miranda pushed my hair away.  "Hey Miranda?" I asked her.  "Yeah, G?" she said.  "Why did you tell me all about Arizona?" I asked.  "I just felt I could trust you with the truth." Miranda said.  "Please, what's the real reason?" I asked.  "Genesis.  I don't know how to tell you the real reason." Miranda said.  "I'm strong enough.  You said so." I said as I giggled.  "Well, let me tell you something baby girl." Miranda said before she paused.  I awaited for her to elaborate.

"Genesis, I think you're Arizona."


Hey guys.  So I finally fully came out with it.  Bet you guys weren't expecting how Miranda really lost Arizona!  So tell me what you think!  Later bros!  (Brofist)

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