Monsoon Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Liza?!" I was suddenly brought back by my sister. She shook me a couple more times. "Liza, wake up," she said as she smacked my face. What was that screeching noise? It took me a couple more seconds to realize it was just me. I had been screaming. My face was wet from the tears. She looked at me carefully. I was in shock. I expected her to turn into one of those creatures. Or maybe she would disappear and it would turn into night again. My whole body was twitching. She hugged me tightly and I flinched.

"Its okay, it's okay. It was just a bad dream", she said. My heart slowed down a bit but I was covered in cold sweat. I had to make sure I was truly awake so I pinched my arm. I don't really know why I thought that would work. I still felt pain in my dreams. I just needed to reassure myself that this wasn't one of them.

Then again these past few months was like one long dream, well more like a nightmare. A nightmare that I couldn't seem to wake up from. How did I end up here? Why did all of this happen to me? Why not someone else? I mean another teenage girl would have to worry about what she going to wear the next day. I had to worry about whether or not I was going to kill someone in the next couple of seconds. Is that what I am now? A killer? A monster? When did my life take such a drastic turn?

Plop! I was so wrapped in my thoughts I hadn't realized my sister had left. Someone else was here, and they had made a loud noise. It made me jump and I started freaking out. I turned to see him again. Only this time I knew it wasn't a dream. And as if he read my mind he said, "No. You're not sleeping". He carefully read my face for any sign of disbelief, of course there wasn't any. He smirked as he moved in closer, his eyes pitch black. The look on his face would have frightened anyone else, but not me. I wonder if I would ever get over the fact that the person I loved was one of them. I breathed in deeply as I took in his scent. I don't think so. The memory of last summer suddenly came flooding back as he leaned in to press his lips against mine.

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