Monsoon Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"I didn't choose this not like you," he said staring at the wall. This is going to be a long story I could already tell. I leaned on his shoulder and he put his arm around me as he started again. "It just happened. It was a couple of days before I met you there was an epidemic. People were dying. They sometimes killed themselves to save time and stop the pain. Others killed to survive. They fed off of each other. Tearing them limb from limb. I've never seen a person get eaten before that day. Never. They..," he hesitated, "They killed my sister, Kate." He closed his eyes and bowed his head; I felt his pain, and guilt. It hurt me. "I would have nightmares every time I closed my eyes. So I didn't sleep. It wasn't very long until I wanted to get revenge on the bastards who killed her. I hunted each of them down. Tortured them and killed them. I just needed the leader of the clan. He was the hardest to find. Almost as if he knew I would come after him one day. But when I finally caught him, I had the upper hand. Little did I know there was somebody behind me. Stabbed me and left me there to die. My mother, god knows how she found me. She came looking for me, but it was already too late. Instead of seeing a white light above me I saw demons and fire, blackness closing in on me. My mother saw it too. I remember about ten of those demon things and then the leader; he was and still is ghastly. He came to take me away, but my idiot mother stopped him and begged him not to take me. I can't remember much of what happened after that. I just woke up and I was scared. I looked at myself. What had I turned into? I was perfectly healed. So had I died or what? I got a sudden flash in my head as if someone had slammed my head into the floor. I got an image in my head of me going through metamorphous. I saw myself changing into a monster. I fought. I fought against my instincts. I tried to talk to ordinary people, but they never saw me. Then I had a dream that I was rising from fire. And then I knew. I had become a demon. It was all clear to me then. All the signs, all the facts, everything pointing to demon. I hated my mother for what she did to me. I never did find the leader again, but I always feel better knowing someday he's going to burn in the fiery pits of hell. After a couple days of wandering around and fighting with myself, I realized I was missing something, I couldn't quite figure out what it was. And then I found you and I felt more alive then ever before. You gave me back my soul. I have hope and joy. Demons don't feel. They don't love. They only destroy and take power, but I'm not a full demon so I'm an exception. The others they didn't like it. Either I was full demon or I was dead. And when they found out about us. Wow. Let me tell you, stuff went down. And it was not pretty. But I'd rather be dead then hurt you," he finished. "I love you Liza", he said, staring at me with a look I had never seen on him before. Just then he dropped the wall guarding his emotions. His love hit me with a gush of energy. I almost fainted from all the emotions. I didn't care though. I was with Max forever. That's all I needed. But who was I kidding. This wasn't over just yet.

Suddenly Max's face went rigid. He let me go and froze. His face was twisted in pain and he went down in fetal position. It sounded like he was struggling against something. His entire body was shaking.

"Max?" I said quietly. "Max, what's wrong?" I bent down to touch his shoulder. In a split second he jumped on top of me. I gasped. His eyes were a dark red. I've never seen him like this. His sharp teeth looked menacing. His entire body was pinning me down. I froze. What was happening?

He got closer to me, his nose flared up. Did he just smell me? He leaned in closer to my face. He slowly opened his mouth showing even more teeth and he threw his body back. He landed a few inches away from me, but I was still so scared. I couldn't move. He was trying to contain himself. He was turning into a full demon. He was fighting with it. I needed to help him.

I quickly jumped up and slide to where Max was. He looked at me in pain. I took his face into my hands.

"Max! You have to fight it!" I yelled. I needed to help him or else everything we did would have been for absolutely nothing. "Max!" I yelled again. His head jerked up toward me. His eyes widened and his teeth protracted from his mouth.

"We don't need you're help!" he hissed. He screeched and threw me against the wall. He fell next to me face down and then everything went black.

My entire body was freezing. I opened my eyes and all I saw was black. Where was I? Did I die for real this time or something? I moved my body around. Why am I moving so slow? My clothes feel so heavy. Wait a second....was I in water? Well that would definitely explain the freezing cold. I tried to scream or call for help but nothing came out. I tried to swim but I didn't know in which direction I was going. I felt pain coming from my back. I touched my neck and then I felt them.

The wings on my back. They were growing. I touched my head, no not horns too. No please. I swan faster. Where can I get out of here?! Where was the light? I tried to pull off the wings but it only hurt more. I swam faster and faster. No escape.

"Liza, wake up", I heard a gentle voice from a distance.

My eyes suddenly opened. I looked at myself, touched my back no wings, and touched my head, no horns. I looked around no pitch black water anywhere. Max read my mind and said, "It was just a dream. I won't ever let that happen to you," he reassured me. I looked warily at him and he smiled weakly.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't control it. Did I hurt? He asked looking at me carefully. He touched my face gently.

"I'm fine," I replied. I was still in dream mode and my head hurt a lot. I glanced at Max, he looked so tired. "Max you need to sleep", I told him. I was worried.

"We can't sleep Liza; if we do we're putting ourselves in the vulnerable stage. They will take over. We have to keep fighting it-fighting ourselves. I could have killed you, you know", he said, looking at the floor.

"I-", I started, but I got that sick feeling again. Something was coming, and it wasn't pretty.

I closed my eyes; maybe it was just me reacting to that dream. I'm sure it'll pass. A couple of seconds pass. A couple seconds and I opened my eyes. I frowned. Black rocks? What the...? Hadn't I just been here? Ugh I hate it when I'm clueless.

I walked forward to see what was going on. I felt Max behind me. At least I wasn't alone. I looked around carefully.

"Welcome back," the hostile voice said. I shuddered.

"What do you want now?" I asked more confidently than I felt. I don't know where it was, but it was close I can tell you that. I can smell it somewhere around here. For now ill just talk to the huge rock in front of me. I know stupid, but it was better than talking to the air.

"Seems like one of your friends followed you here", the voice said coldly. I looked up to where the voice was mainly coming from and there was Chase.

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