Monsoon Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I hate to admit it but I became obsessed with Max. I know scary right? Something about him, I don't know, he drove me crazy, but I loved it. As for the whole demon thing, it was no big deal. They hardly ever paid attention to me. Well except for those few occasions where one got out of hand, but it was nothing Max couldn't handle.

It was almost the end of summer, Max knew this. I knew this. We just didn't want to admit it. Still, we kept wandering off by ourselves. In our own little world. I liked it better that way. I didn't want to say goodbye to this, to any of this. I especially didn't want to say goodbye to him. I...fell in love with him. I was almost certain he knew that. Hard to believe that just 2 months ago I wanted to rip his head off.

And just as quickly as summer came, it ended. Girls started packing, parents started coming. I was one of the last to go. I said goodbye to all the girls. They said they would miss you. Are they stupid or something? I never talked to any of them. But regardless I said my goodbyes. My mom finally came and stopped the car in front of me. She got out, hugged me, kissed my cheek and took my bags. Nice to see you too mom.

"Can I just get a couple more minutes?" I asked urgently. I wasn't ready to leave yet. And if I didn't say bye to Max he would hate me. I walked down the road and there was the house. Now where was this boy?

"Max?" I called, looking for him. Where was he? I told him I was leaving today. As in right now. "Max?" I called out his name again. Still no sign of him. Silence. Not even the wind was blowing. Tears filled up my eyes. God he was so stupid! "Max?" I whispered quietly as the tears rolled down. I left. I left and I never looked back. I hate him.

My arrival was anticipated. Before I even got out of the car Chase opened the door and pulled me into his arms. He caught me off guard and kissed me. Jeez, can't a girl breathe. But it felt good to be back with Chase. At least I knew he missed me. He let go of me just then, but he kept my hand. I grabbed my bag and we walked to the front of my house.

"Chase, are you coming in? We're ordering pizza in a few," my mom asked.

"Yeah, I'll stay," he said, never taking his eyes off me. My mom seemed satisfied as she walked inside with the rest of my things. Chase was still looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes of his. Ugh. I really did miss him. I hugged him again.

"You said you were only going for a couple of weeks", he stated. He looked down at me now, a mix of emotions passed by me just then.

"Oh well, I stayed a little longer, I liked it there." How was I suppose to tell him what really happened? Like he would believe me anyway. No. I can't tell anyone about my summer. That would just get me a one way ticket to crazy town. If I wasn't already there. I couldn't tell anyone, not now at least. He didn't ask me anything else about camp. I was relieved when my parents didn't either. Everything went back to normal, well that is before I started having those weird dreams. Demons everywhere. The world ending. Everything up in flames. People dying. And He was in every single one of them.

Some time passed by. I was beginning to question my sanity, and whether or not I had dreamed that summer at camp. Maybe I should just check myself in at the mental hospital. Of course I hadn't dreamt it. I still saw demons everywhere, but where was he? I couldn't have made up all those days we spent together. The campouts, the midnight walks. I mean I was wearing his necklace for crying out loud. He had to be real. I held onto it tightly. Oh god what is wrong with me? I don't even know why I bothered. He wasn't just magically going to appear. I kind of wish he would though.

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