Monsoon Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The next few days in India were spent trying to stay on Chase's happy side. I had no room or time to think about Max. Staying on his good side wasn't very hard. I just let him hug me, kiss me, etc. He's a boy what else could he want? I mostly smiled and went along with whatever he wanted to do.

No more appearances from Max. Yup. Defiantly insanity. Chase noticed I was faking my so called 'happiness'. I wasn't a very good actor. I just hoped he wouldn't say anything. It was our last day here. I wanted him to be happy, but of course nothing ever goes my way.

"Liza, what's wrong?" he asked. He had his worry look on, but there was another emotion behind it. Anger maybe? Oh great. What could I say to him? He didn't need to know about Max. He wasn't real anyway. I stayed quiet and he looked at me.

"Please, just tell me so I can stop beating myself up. Was it me?" I shook my head. "Is it...someone else?" This time he looked down. I didn't move. If I told him, wait what am I talking about? I can't tell him anything. I think he took that as a yes. "So it is someone else then." He was still looking down. It wasn't a question. "So that's why you've been like this?" he accused. "I thought you said it was an all girl's camp. How many boys were there? Ten? Twenty? Huh?" he got up and was standing in front of me. Oh boy, there goes his angry face. Told you there was anger behind that other emotion. I couldn't tell him about Max. About anything. He'd think I'm crazy. But if I didn't tell him he'd think I was a liar. I stayed quiet. He grabbed my shoulders.

"Liza can you just say something? Anything?" he was still angry. "So you lied to me and you betrayed me?" he glared at me now.

"I didn't lie to you!" I cried back. Tears rolling down my face like a waterfall. See what I said. Now he thinks I lied to him. Just great.

"So how did you meet him then if it was an all girl's camp, hmm?" he was still glaring at me. Ugh. I felt so ashamed, but I couldn't tell him anything. I couldn't tell anyone. Who would believe me? I cried even more now.

I started shaking uncontrollably. "I-I can't", I stammered. I can't tell him, he'd hate me, even though he probably already does.

"This vacation was a mistake. No wait. This whole relationship was a mistake. You can't even trust me enough to tell me. We've been together for almost a freaking decade!" He shook his head, picking up his stuff to leave.

"No Max don't leave!" I yelled. My mouth hung open. I was always ready to say that to Max whenever he was about to leave, I just never thought Chase would leave me. Oh god, what did I just do? Chase looked as if I had hit him in the stomach with a bat. He looked so hurt. "Ch-", I started but he cut me off.

"Chase. My name is Chase. Have a nice life," he said quietly. And with that he was gone. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak.

Then the worst day of my life came. My eighteenth birthday and I was all alone. No one talked to me. No one even looked at me, I was depressed. I cried myself to sleep that night. I missed Chase, I wanted him back. I wanted him in my arms. I'm such an idiot for what I did.

It was around midnight when I woke up. Which was strange because I grew out of that habit. I opened my eyes, blinked a few times, and I saw him. He wasn't Chase, my heart sunk a little, but it was Max, and I was happy with that too. He sat on the floor waiting for me to wake up. I moved and he looked my way and smiled. He stood up, went beside my bed and lay down next to me in a matter of seconds. He was always so freaking warm. It's insane! He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me gently. He had a big smile on.

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