Monsoon Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was a hot day. Normal for this town in Florida anyway. Normal. Yeah that was definitely the perfect word to describe everything. Well actually no, perfect was the perfect word. I know, I know it sounds kind of dim, but hey a girl can dream right?

"Hey Liza!" I heard someone call out my name from behind me. I turned to see Jaime running down the block. I stopped to wait until she caught up.

"Hey Jaime", I said laughing at how red her face was. It was the last day of school, summer vacation was finally here and I was off to camp. Oh joy! It's not that I didn't want to go to camp; it's just extremely boring after the first couple of days...well hours to be exact.

I hadn't realized we had gotten to school already, but then I saw Chase waiting for me at the foot of the steps. School passed by like a blur. I already had everything packed up for camp. That night before I went to sleep I had this sick feeling at the bottom of my stomach, like something bad was going to happen. I kept thinking about it as I drifted off. In my dream I saw flashes. Of people. Of things. Whoosh! There goes the cabin at camp. Whoosh! There goes the secret path I made. Whoosh! I saw a glimpse of a boy. I couldn't see his face, just the back of his head. Whoosh! I saw something running, chasing me. Whoosh! I saw a bright shiny light. Whoosh! I saw the boy again, still no face. Then everything was flashing by too fast for me to see things clearly. Until I finally snapped up, my breathing was heavy. Crazy dreams! I laid back down. My thoughts flickered to Chase. I didn't want to leave him, anytime away from him was excruciating.

"When will you be back?" He asked urgently, his eyes wide. The wind blew his blonde hair softly. His face looked in pain. It hurt me to see him like this. Especially when it was my fault to begin with.

"I'll only be gone for a couple of weeks", I replied. God I was such a horrible liar. I could see it in his face that he didn't believe me. I wasn't just leaving for a couple of weeks. I was leaving for the whole two months of summer. I just didn't want to tell him that. Fearing it would only hurt him more. And that I couldn't bare.

"Can't I come with you?" he asked. His eyes pleading for me to stay.

"It's a girl's camp, Chase, you know if I could I would let you, but I can't." I explained as he pouted. I took his face into my hands. "I'll be back before you know it, don't worry," I assured him, kissing him softly, not wanting to ruin the moment and he took me into his arms.

"I'm going to miss you," he whispered breathing into my ear.

"I'm going to miss you too," I said looking into his eyes. I suddenly didn't want to go anymore.

Beep! Beep! But to my dismay I still had to go. I kissed him once more before I turned towards the car. Beep! Beep!

"I'm coming, jeez!" I yelled. God I hated that horn. As I took one last glance at Chase, I got that strange feeling again that something was going to happen. I shook my head; maybe it was just my nervous side taking over. I got into the car and my mom pulled out of the driveway. Chase stood there as my car rode down the street.

It was kind of weird departing from my mom. Even though we rarely ever talked, I didn't want to leave her. She just hugged me and left.

"Bye to you too mom. I'll see you in a couple of weeks", I said to no one in particular.

I turned towards the camp. Three hours in a car for this? Oh you have got to be kidding me. It was all dirt. Ugh there go my white shoes. It looked totally different from what my memory had shown me. This place was disgusting and ugly. It smelled like dirty animals. Oh please god don't let this be an animal camp. I'm pretty sure I don't remember any hideous things walking around when I was younger. I sighed. Never the less this was still my camp. Whatever the heck it was now. I owned here. Now where was my...

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