Monsoon Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

That's when I saw him. It was only a glimpse but I saw him. He appeared running towards the demon, still yelling. It turned to him almost ready for the attack. Almost. But he was too fast for it. Too fast for it to react. He jumped on the demons back and down they went. Now this all happened in the course of I want to say six seconds, but it felt more like six minutes to me.

I stared at the spot where they had gone down after that. Chase just looked at me with a confused look on his face. I was still in shock mode so if he said something I didn't hear anything. I had seen Him. He was real and not just part of my hallucinations. But where has he been? Why didn't he say goodbye to me last summer? Did they find out about us? Maybe that's why he stayed away. Once again I had all these questions and no way to get answers and I knew I wasn't going to get any anytime soon. Chase didn't even bother asking me what just happened, not like I would have told him anyways. He just ignored me and went to sleep. It was like he knew I wouldn't tell him. I looked back at him; he looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. All of his worries gone. I felt the sudden urge to reach out and touch his face, but I resisted mainly because I didn't want to disturb his calmness, and because even though he was sleeping I could still sense his anger towards me. I sighed and got up from the bed.

I walked out onto the balcony. I needed a minute to process everything that just happened. I stared out into the storm. It was dark and gloomy outside. Exactly how I was feeling. It was cold so I wrapped my sweater tighter around me. I heard the wind blowing hard outside. The rain wetting everything in sight. I saw lightening flash somewhere farther down. Even though the storm was hectic and chaotic it was so...

"Beautiful, isn't it?" a gentle voice said from out of no where. It startled me and I froze. "It's called a monsoon," he stated. I was unable to move, but I could feel tears building up. I tried to speak I choked and started to cry. He walked in front of me and gently sat me down. Good thing too, I was about to faint. He was really here. He wasn't just a figment of my imagination.

He looked just the same as I had remembered. I opened my mouth to speak again but still no words came out. He placed his finger to prevent anymore of my chocking. I didn't try to speak again. Then he began talking.

"I've missed you Liza," he said, touching my cheek lightly as he wiped away the tear that had just fallen. "I've missed you so much. I don't even know what to say to you. You must hate me right now. I just ugh it hurts me when I'm not with you," he said. I just wanted to take him into my arms at that moment. "I'm sorry I left."

"But why did you leave me?" I finally asked. "You didn't even say goodbye," I said quietly.

"I-", he got cut off. His head snapped up towards the bedroom and in a flash he was gone. Once again leaving me without any answers. I was crying even more. I looked outside and I noticed the storm had calmed down when Max came, but now that he was gone it was even worse than before.

I woke up in the chair on the balcony. Chase was already up and I instantly felt horrible. I had just ruined our first night here.

"Good morning," I said quietly as I walked into the bathroom. He was brushing his teeth angrily as he ignored me. Oh great him too? God really does hate me doesn't he? He finished and turned the water off. He kept his hands on the sink and looked at me really hard. I had to look away. If looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"Want to tell me why you slept outside last night? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something? I thought this would be good for you. For the both of us. Ever since you came back from camp you've been different. You're not my Liza anymore; she left the day you left to that...that place. But last night I don't know what happened to you. You were staring at the wall, while there was nothing there. I didn't even bother asking. And then I wake up to see you sleeping on a chair outside! How do you think that makes me feel? I didn't come here with you just so you could ignore me. I came so we could be closer to each other. I can see now that I'm wasting my time," he said angrily. His face was filled with pure hate . His jaw tightened.

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