Monsoon Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

When I woke up everything looked different. Not the way the house looked or the way the trees swayed. It was the same as it was before, but somehow completely different.

"Liza?" a voice said from above me. I couldn't see the face; the sun was in my eyes. "Liza, come on, get up." I felt my body being carried. Am I dead? I couldn't tell. My whole body was numb from the pain. I was in and out of consciousness for the next couple of minutes. I think I got inside, somehow. Something warm was on my face. When my vision came back I turned to see my savior. It was the same boy from before. Oh great. He touched my face lightly. He was unusually warm...hmm. Weird.

"Liza?" he repeated my name but I couldn't respond. My mouth was still numb. I was like a lifeless doll being carried by a strange boy. Lucky me. He laid me down on what I'm pretty sure was the couch. I was regaining full consciousness now so I lifted my hand to see what the warm stuff on my face was. Blood. Great, just great. I take a fall and almost split my head open. I hope this goes away in two months or my mom is going to flip. I tried to get up and as soon as I did pain shot through my entire body. Okay that was a bad idea.

"No, stay, don't move", he said pushing me back down. Now he wants me to stay? What is up with this kid? But I didn't argue I felt like I was going to puke. He came back and put something cold on my face. I think it was water. Well whatever it was he was cleaning the blood off my face with it, how embarrassing.

After about two minutes of this I started to feel a whole lot better. Slowly this time, I sat up on the couch. I felt his hands on my shoulders helping me up. I sat up straight facing him now.

"Liza, what do you see?" he asked staring at me.

"Excuse me?", I replied. What did he mean by what do you see? I'm obviously not blind. Thanks for asking, idiot.

"What do you see?" he asked getting closer. His eyes searching my face for a certain kind of answer.

"I don't understand what you're asking me", I said turning my face away. Then I froze as he took my face into his hands. Can this kid get anymore creepier? I just met him and he's already touching me? This was really uncomfortable.

"Liza, what do you see?" he asked me once more.

"What do you mean by what do you see? I'm not blind you know. I'm perfectly fine. Are you stupid or something? Just because someone falls doesn't mean that they're going to be bli-", I was immediately cut off when I realized what he meant. I looked behind him and there it was. Running around, smelling the air. It was another one of those creatures, and it was looking for something. Okay. Maybe I'm just having hallucinations.

"You see it don't you?" he asked.

"See what? There's nothing there. I'm clearly having hallucinations due to the fall I just took. There's nothing there. What do you see, ha, you're funny kid. Don't worry I wont sue you or anything", I said getting up.

"You think this is some kind of joke?" He said getting up too.

"I don't think, I know. And I also know that you're crazy. And whoever made that costume is really talented. Now if you don't mind, I'm leaving before you try to trick me into thinking there are werewolves or whatever else it is that doesn't exist." I said trying walking out, but he just stood in my way. "Excuse me; I'd like to leave now. Thank you."

"Not until you know the truth," He said, still blocking the exit.

"What truth what are you even talking about?" I asked. "Are you one of those crazy people that escaped from the mental hospital or something? Because you know this is an all girls camp and I bet if someone found you you'd get arrested for assault!" I exclaimed, "Now can you get out of my way?"

"No." He said flatly.

"Oh my god. Let me go or I'll scream." I said glaring.

"If you scream it'll come and kill you", he said glaring back at me.

Now I don't know why I finally believed him, maybe it was the look in his eye that told me otherwise or that the creature outside really didn't looked like someone in a costume.

"Fine. What do you want?" I said rolling my eyes. God I felt like I was wasting my life here.

"You can see these things now." he said.

"I saw them before what difference does it make now? They're uglier? Well I could've told you that." I stated.

"No. You only saw them with their other skins, now you can see them for what they really are", He replied.

Great. Just freaking great. Now I was going to have to walk around and see these things everywhere. Wait what exactly are these things anyways? And just as if he read my mind he whispered "Demons".

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