My Sister's Boyfriend <3 Me 1

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Personal note: If you don't appreciate swearing, mild sexual content, please don't read my story and criticize it as such. I know what I'm writing about and it's my story. I am currently editing it since I wrote it off my phone years ago and will have noticeable typos. Just bear with me as I fix it, please. 

Thank you. (: 


"Amber! Ashely! If you don't hurry up we'll be late!" cried my mother. I looked at the time, and my mother stood correct- we would be late. As much as I dislike school, I dislike being late even more.

Grabbing my bag before opening my door, I noticed that Ashely was still infront the mirror curling her already curled hair. There was no way that I was going to be extra late for her. "I hope Seth's taking you," I said acidly.

She rolled her eyes. "Actually we're giving him a ride." Fuck me- now we're really going to be late. She looked herself over again, looking at her auburn hair that fell to her shoulders while her ass practically hung out from her skirt.

Glancing in the other mirror I saw my image- I never noticed how different Ash and I were. I wore black skinny jeans with a Flyleaf t-shirt and some black knee high converse. If I would've woken up earlier, I probably could've teased my hair, but I felt lazy today. Looking for my makeup I gave up and grabbed Ash's eyeliner and used it lightly under my eyes. 

"Hey! Don't do your emo look with that gross!" I hated when she called me that. While I held it out of reach I then thought of a bitch move.

"You're right I'm sorry, here- oopsy!" I said while fake tripping and drawing a huge dark line all over her favorite white shirt with a picture of her favorite name brand, Juicy Couture.

She gasped and started to freak out. "You so did not just do that!" I smirked and replied with "Hmm...looks like I did." I said as I left while turning my iPod on. 

Heading down the stairs remembering that Seth wasn't picking her up today I yelled "Shot gun!" 

I reached the bottom of the stairs and opened the front door to see Seth.

"Oh hey." I said cooly as hee waved and asked " is your sister here?"

"In front of the mirror!" Was my reply while I pulled my phone out to text my friend Danny.

I made my way out of the house and down the pebble pathway that we had installed last spring, opening the door to our new Acura and sat in front. While shutting the door my mom pulled out of the driveway and onto the street. Before we turned the corner I saw Ash running out of the house.

Mom slowed down while scolding me, "you said Seth was giving her a ride." I shrugged while I poked my head out the window saying "don't forget to lock the gate!" and motioned for my mom to drive forward. But instead she waited as Ash walked over with Seth. Her entire outfit was changed, which shocked me, because usually it takes her forever to decide on what to wear.

Her gray eyes looked like posion in the rear-view mirror. I knew she was making faces at me and I turned to flip her off. She gasped and wailed "moooom! Amber's flipping me off!"

"Amber Jane Piper you put your hand in your lap this instant! And it's 89 degrees outside! What are you wearing?" I shrugged and said "charcoal black."

She sighed and I smiled while Seth's green eyes caught mine in the mirror, he smiled and when Ash wasn't looking he passed me a note which I gave back and turned the radio on and put in one of my CD's Danny made me.

"Ugh!... gross can we not listen to that crappy music?" 

I rolled my eyes and said "it's better than the shit you listen to, besides if you don't like it maybe you should call shot gun before I do." She glared at me the rest of the ride, and as soon as I glared at her, she looked away.

Good. My sister and I aren't really 'close' at the moment, but still this is me being nice to her. When mom pulled into the parking lot, I opened my door before my mom stopped.

"Amber!" she cried, but I slid out of the car and said "love you too!" and headed straight towards my boyfriend Sean. 

"Hey gorgeous what took so long?" I smiled squeamishly and said "traffic." He pulled my waist closer to his as he tried to shove his tounge down my throat.

I pulled away and said "nice try stud, but wait 'til you actually pass your math test." He scoffed as I left. Sean, Seth- too many S's in my life- at least my relationship with Sean was coming to an end though.

I walked to my locker and found Seth leaning against it with his arms crossed looking real cute for a band-geek. How the hell did he get over here so fast? He moved his brown hair out of his eyes.

"You know you looked real cute while Sean practically sucked your face off."

I looked at him while grabbing a textbook out of my locker, and putting it in my backpack.

"Why do you care who I date and kiss?" 

He said nothing as I dumped the rest of my contents of my backpack in my locker and slammed it shut, staring the opposite direction before the final bell rang, and continued with my morning routine. "Ass hole." I muttered sarcastically. 

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