My Sister's Boyfriend <3 Me 21

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Author's Note: I realize that I spelt "asshole" incorrectly, but I decided to keep the typo since it made people laugh in the comments. So, "asswhole" shall stay! Happy reading! 


-Ams' Point of View- 

When he pulled up in front of Marty's I sighed and looked at him. We both leaned in for a quick kiss as I got out. "I'm picking you up at-?" 

"Three." He nodded then waved goodbye. 

I walked in and began my shift, opening my register, while clocking in at 10:00 precisely, Damn, five whole hours here. Argh. An old lady walked up with some catfood, tissues, a movie, some milk, eggs, bread and a card. After ringing up about 30 other people I took my break and went outside where the other employees sat smoking.

My cousin Desiree, who helped me get the job, was sitting out with the others when she saw me. 

"Hey lil' cuz, what's new?" 

I smiled and said "nothing much." 

She returned my smile. No matter how hot it was, Desiree always managed well with her dark black jeans, and a sweater with some heavy Doc Marten boots. Her snake tattoo slithered from underneath her rolled up sweater on her forearm, and her lip pericing glittered in the sunlight.

"Here hold this for me kid." She handed me her cigarette, as she got up and walked to the other side to where Josh the newer kid sat. He was about my age and had black shaggy hair. I laughed as he handed Desiree a new cigarette. She lit it up then looked at me encouraging me to try the one she handed me.

I looked at it and inhaled a little bit, then started to cough. She rolled her eyes and came over. "Like this." She said as she demonstrated how to smoke. Once I got the hang of it she walked away and Seth came up out of no where. 

"Hey," he said. 

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here." 

"Was just gonna see if you wanted some lunch, but-" he pointed at my cigarette. ''You smoke?'' 

I shook my head then said "I was supposed to hold it for my cousin, but she gave me hers, so yeah, I'll just put it out." I said awkwardly as I put it out on the cement and stepped on it, then opened a piece of mint gum. 

"Sorry." I said embarrassed. 

"For what?" He asked sitting next to me. "It doesn't bother me."

 I shrugged then said "I'm off in about three hours-yay?" I said sarcastically. 

He smiled, then took his hand in mine, I leaned on his shoulder, then he spoke. "This really isn't the place I had in mind to ask you, but just know that I won't ever ask again if you say no." I gulped as he continued.

"Ams, will you go out with me?" I sighed then faced him. I put my hand on his cheek then kissed him gently on the lips. "Yes." He smiled, then cupped my face in his hands and kissed me again. When we pulled apart, I looked at my watch and said "I have to get back." 

He nodded and said '' I'll be here at three, okay?" I nodded as we stood up exchanged a hug. Then he walked off to his car and left.

Desiree came up and asked "who's that hunk of ass?" 

"Uh, my boyfriend." I said shyly. 

Her eyes grew big as she exclaimed "no way!" 

I nodded and she hugged me, "aw, kid! You're growing up so fast!"

 I laughed and said, "yeah, I guess. My lunch is over, I gotta head back in." 

She playfully hit my shoulder and said "all right go back in, so you can be with your boyfriend when he comes back." She teased. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I blushed.

 "Yes you do, man you are more grown up than I thought." She's onto our plan, but oh well, it's not like she'd ever tell my mother. With that I walked back in and finished my boring shift.

-Three hours later-

As soon as the clock turned three, I punched in my card so I could leave and hung up my apron. I dashed out as I grabbed my jacket from the staff room and eagerly ran to the parking lot looking for Seth in the BMW, but instead saw him in a black 2010 Challenger. I hopped in and asked "what the hell? When'd you get this?"

He gave a half smile and muttered "belated birthday gift." 

"Really? From who?" 

He paused then said ''my dad." 

"Oh," I forgot that him and his dad weren't very close. "

"I'm sorry?" 

"It's fine, I don't want to sound spoiled, but a car can't fix time lost."

"That's not spoiled, it's what you feel," changing the subject I asked "when was your birthday?" I had kinda forgot when it was, what a great girlfriend I am right? 

"September 4th." Whoa, it was already March.

"I didn't know, I'm-" 

"It's fine, sorry if I'm being so, asswhole like." 

"It's not your fault." By now we were in front of his house. 

"I forgot to ask, but do you want to come over?" I nodded, seeing no other car in the driveway besides Jared's BMW that Seth often drove. "I think I'll sell this though, or save it for Jeremy. Sorry I'm being over dramatic." I put my hand on his shoulder, and he looked towards me. Sighed and got out of the car.

I followed him inside and walked upstairs to his room.

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