My Sister's Boyfriend <3 Me 18

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-Seth's Point of View- 

Man this sucks, three broken ribs, and stitches in my jaw. The doctor said I could go home and 'take it easy' That's kinda hard when you've got a ton on your plate. 

Jared came in and said "your girls are here. What do you want me to tell them?" 

I sighed and said "telll Ash to come in first." There was something I needed to tell her.

She came in and sat on a chair next to the examaning table. 

"What the hell? What'd you do?" 

I paused. "It's a long story. But, there's something I kinda want to tell you." 

"Me too." She crossed her arms and bit her lip. 

"You go first then." I gestured with my hand. 

"No, you. I intterupted you, so go ahead."  I hate when she does this. 

"I said you could go first, so go first." She slapped her hand on her thigh in frustration. 

"Oh you're so stubborn!" 

"Look who's talking!" 

We started to argue some more before we both said at the same time "I want to break up with you!" We both gasped,  "what?" we both gasped. 

"How long've you wanted to break up with me?" She asked. 

"About a week, you?" I grew anxious.

"A lot longer than that." She managed quietly. 

I sighed then said "So this is the end?" 

"I guess, am I supposed to hate you?" She laughed.

"No, are we supposed to be friends?" She nodded then spoke "You want Ams to come in?" 

I nodded. As she opened the door to leave she said "oh and I know about you and Ams." I felt embarrassed and awful to have heard that from her, but it was the truth. 

-Ams' Point of View- 

"He's all yours Ams" Ash said as she walked out. I was a little nervous to see him again, but before I could chicken out I walked in rather quickly. I tripped on the way in and ended up in his arms to break my fall. "You're very clumsy you know that right?" I smiled and blushed then sat in a chair next to him.

"So how're you feeling?" 

"Pretty good, I think I'll survive." 

Then there was a awkward silence before he began, "Ash knows about us-" 

"I know, I um I told her." I said nervously, she at least deserved to know. 

"You t-told her?" 

"Yeah, I had to, I mean, I can't lie." 

"She doesn't seem all that upset." She said she'd been wanting to break up with me for awhile now but didn't really say why. 

"No she doesn't."

I stood up to leave, but he pulled my arm and pulled me back to him. He had his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear "don't go just yet, please." I felt a shiver down my spine, and he pulled me closer. 

"I'm sorry for what Sean did to you." I pulled back from his grasp, and pushed back some hair that fell into his face. Then traced my finger from his forehead to the edge of his scar. Then I pulled away all-together and said "This is wrong, I can't do that to you."

"Ams, Please, just-" 

"No! I can't, I-I, I have to go." I felt tears fall down my face, from embarrassment and walked past everyone to the elavator, pressing the down button rapidly. When it opened I walked in and hit the button that closes the door and then hit 1. Right before it shut I saw Ash trying to follow me, and saw the doors close in time for her to miss me.

-Ash's Point of View- 

She ran out of the room, and it looked like she was crying. 

I looked at Jared and said "gotta go see you guys later." I followed after her, but she quickened her pace and practically jumped into the elevator. Before I could jump in with her, the doors shut, and I felt like I'd been shut out of her life, yet again. I turned on my heel and went back into the room.

"Hey! What the hell did you do to her?" Seth sat on the examining table looking just as puzzled as me. 

"I didn't do anything, she freaked out, and left!"

"Well what'd you do to freak her out?" 

"Nothing! All I did was hold her and she freaked out and left! I would've followed her, but she probably would've freaked out even more." Ugh why me?

"If this is how you're going to treat her, then you don't deserve her." I said before leaving and going home.

When I got home, somehow Ams got there too. She was sitting on the couch, and she looked the same as when she left. 

"Hey, you ok? You just left." 

"Yeah I'm fine, but, he's your boyfriend, and for me to be around him like that is, I feel like he's cheating on you with me."

"Ams, we're not going out anymore, you guys were made for each other, and I got in the way of that, please just- this is the right guy for you and you're just gonna-" but then we heard the door open and saw our mother walk in with some groceries.

"Hey girls." She sounded tired.

"Hey mom." We said in unison. 

"Girls, we need to talk, it's been real hectic at work, and I got a call from the water and light company, our bill this month was $450, it can't ever be that high again. It's just the three of us after all. So, I need you both to help me out, and contribute, I need you both to look for some jobs, plus you're getting older, I can't always buy everything for you." Me and Ams looked at each other and nearly died.

-Ams' Point of View- 

The following day Ash and I went into town to go look for jobs. After about 26 stores from the mall and little stores around us, I managed to get an interview appointment for next week. The following week came, and I got the job at Marty's Food Services. As for Ash, she got a job at Forever 21.

I stood at a register, for five hours a day, four days a week, scanning food, bagging, and re-stocking the shelves. One day I had a huge ass line, and scanned the most random things, laundry detergent, fruit, movies, flowers, oranges, and other weird crap. I waited impatiently for the recipt to print for my customer and when it did the next (and last) person's stuff was short, good just what I really needed.

When I looked up to give the customer their recipt, I saw it was Jeremy, he had just bought a boquet of roses. "Ooooh you stud, who they for?" 

He looked kinda embarrassed and said "my mom, it's her birthday today. Seth wanted me to invite you, but wasn't sure if you wanted to come or not." 

I smiled and said "I'll try, I'm off right now actually." He smiled. 

"Did you walk here?" I asked as I hung my apron up on the hook behind me and took off the retarded yellow and red Marty's Market shirt, to reveal my black tank top and white jacket.

"Yeah. Hey you dyed your hair!" 

I shook my head and smiled. "No, this is my natural color, the blonde faded out though, I was going to get it black, but my hair's already almost that color. Do you want a ride home?" I was using a spare car of my dad's for my work and school transportation for the time being.

"Sure, if you don't mind." He smiled. 

"Not at all kid, come on." We left the store, and got in the car, there was silence, and right as I was going to say something, we were already at his house. "Well, thanks for the ride Ams." 

"Yeah no problem, tell your mom I said happy birthday." 

"You're not coming in?" He looked a bit bummed. 

I sighed then said "wouldn't it be awkward if I was there?"

"No, please." He stared at me with those beautiful blue almost water like eyes. 

"Ok, fine, if you insist upon it." I texted my mom where I was and told her I'd be home in a bit. Hopefully it won't be so awkward to be there.

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