My Sister's Boyfriend <3 Me 5

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-Hi! Sorry I keep switching Point's of View's, I get bored writing in one for so long so I switch it up. 

By the way, this chapter makes me sad, and I felt uncomfortable writing it. It is an awful thing to hear when someone you love and/or care about tells you something about them and it revolves around what happened in this chapter. So if you know someone who has gone through something like that- help them, or be there for them- and most of all, keep in mind, that their memory probably still lingers in their mind. I love the person very much that this horrible thing happened to, and it amazes me how strong she is to keep living as if it never happened. So this chapter goes out to her! <3 <3 And anyone else who's had that happen to them. You are strong and beautiful, and I am so very sorry if that has ever happened to you.


-Ams Point of View- 

I went to my room to change into some jeans, and converse. I needed some air, and that's what I was going to do. Ugh! I hate how happy my sister and her boyfriend are it makes me sick! And in a way I'm kind of jealous. If my boyfriend was as nice to me as Seth was to Ash, I'd be one happy girl. And just because she tried to stick up for me today, doesn't mean I'm going to forget what happened those two years ago. To even think about it makes me shudder.

-Flash back-

I was the schools biggest nerd in all my years until the end of 8th grade. Ash of course was popular (as usual) and I was always being dissed by her "in-crowd." Not that it has been resolved. However the time I needed her the most, and for her to believe me- she didn't and my nerdy reputation wen't even further in the ground.

I used to be in band, with Danny (who was a sax player) and I played the oboe. I was the only one, and I enjoyed it. Being the only Oboe made me less shy in concerts, and boosted my confidence around others. It was the last concert, and I was excited for my upcoming solo.

Afterwards when the stupid concert ended, everyone stayed awhile to clean up and of course I was the last one. Danny had already left, and so I was trying to hurry so that we could leave.

Ash had surprisingly came, and was waiting impatiently in the hallway outside, or so I thought. I heard the door open and thought it was Danny, "I thought you left already." 

It was a different voice that replied. "No, I'm still here." I recognized it right away, as my sisters then boyfriend Al. "Oh hey Al, is Ash outside?" I asked nervously. 

"Umm, no she's in the car, I came in to get you."

"Oh well, I'm ready."

"Damn, you look sexy in that dress."

If there was one thing I hated it was my band uniform, I was required to wear a black dress with black heels, and to this day I hate dresses.

"Oh, um, thanks?" I said, and this is the part where I should've ran, but I was too stupid to do so. After all, what kind of idiotic, naive girl stands there to talk to someone who's trying to get in their pants?

He then came up and pushed me against the wall and brought his face closer. As hard as I tried to push his body and muscles away from me, he didn't move an inch.

I tried sliding out from underneath his arm, but then he walked me into the corner.

 "Get off." I whispered, but that only made him closer until his entire muscular body was so close it was squishing me, which made me whimper, and him moan.

He started to kiss my lips, and placed his hands on my waist and wrapped my legs around his waist. I tried to place them on the ground and failed. He started to lift my dress, feeling my thighs.

"S-s-s-top!" I said shuddering, but he ignored me and started to slide his pants off, I felt a tear slide down my cheek and he continued to kiss me, and just as he was about to go further he was distracted and I pushed him off fixing my dress and running out of the room and down the hall away from him. When I was convinced he stopped I sat under a set of lockers and began crying.

Sobbing so hard, I felt dirty, and like a slut, and I didn't even do anything!

But a soothing voice came to my ears, and I thought it was Al, but I when I heard it's voice it wasn't. 

"Amber?" When I looked up I couldn't make out the blurry figure. All I knew was that he was there and I needed comfort and he was here to give it to me.

I felt him sit next to me and place me in his lap. He then wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek, which made me shudder as he whispered "it's okay, I won't hurt you, don't worry." 

After that I blocked out the horrid anger from my sister, who took Al's convincing side of "your sister came onto me." Why she chose his side I'll never know, and I'll never know who comforted me.

When I got into high school it became worse, I was known as a slut and Ash's whore little sister. And after that I changed my whole look I dressed less nerdy and more me. I became more brave, just in case I'd ever need to protect myself from something like that again.

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