Chapter 17-The Omen

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*Ember's POV*

I called everyone over. The new people, Mabel, and my friends walked up. Mabel glanced fearfully at me, and Jet patted her shoulder, whispering encouragingly. She glanced at him, momentarily grateful, and resumed attention. Lauren was glaring at her before Dusty tapped her and motioned towards me. I cleared my throat.

"Now, we have our entire team, plus a few new recruits," I smiled at the dark boy, the stubble-chinned man, and Mabel. "Before I continue, I'd appreciate if you all introduced yourselves."

Mabel stepped up first. "My name is Lady Mabel Onyx. My parents were millionares, and my father..." she swallowed, her face a tinge red. "My father was killed by a deadly fire. I absolutely dread fire now, and that is why I want no place in your Nether mission whatsoever!" Her voice had taken on a shrill quality and she pointed at me. "And if you ever let your stupid flame baby pillow thing," she gestured to Peterson, who deflated noticeably, "near me, I'll kill it! And don't think I don't know that you've got fire powers too." She mimed dropping the mic and strutted away dramatically.

"," Poof broke the silence. "That was...something."

I blinked, more than a little ruffled. "Alright, you're next, I guess," I gestured to the man. He got in front of everyone.

"My name is Johann Frenzak, and I've been hired by Notch, $500 a day, to kill any hybrids he tells me to. Now, I know I'm 'just a human', but if Notch, by any chance, does tell me to kill you...I don't know what I do, because usually I just throw the hybrids into a Nether portal," he admitted.

"Kai..." Jet murmured.

"Liz..." Lauren gasped.

"They're here," the two said in unison towards us.

"Alright. So next thing we do is find Kai and Liz. But also, we need to know who he is," Sora gestured for the dark boy to come up.

He reluctantly obliged. "My name is Flint Hawthorne, and I'm a wither skeleton hybrid. My father was killed a year or two ago by someone who looked suspiciously like you," he narrowed his eyes at Romani, who shrunk back, "and my mother left to the Overworld years ago. So, I guess, I'm in," he shrugged. "But what exactly is the point of us being here?"

"I don't know..." I muttered. "But I have a feeling someone can find out."

*Sora's POV*

I settled down on my personal pile of pillows. I lay against the wall, steadying my breathing and getting into the meditating position. I focused on controlling my breath. Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out...

I fell into the first level of complete and total peace. I was completely aware of my surroundings, but my body was resting. I let out a shuddering sigh and pushed my body into further relaxation. Breathe in....breathe out....

I exhaled a long breath. My body was sinking deeper into the connection with the spirits and gods. I could feel my spirit ascending, while my body lay in the meditating posture down below. I surged upwards and out of the Nether, into the Overworld, and up to the Aether. Spirits sang in my ears, incoherent languages that sounded beautiful, but I could not comprehend their meaning. I listened harder. Yjpdr eoyj yjr gasdjaohjy eyes... The speaking sounded like the ghast's language! I heard eyes at the end and decided to keep the phrase in my mind. Zidy nr frdypurf...nrgptr smu vsm aobe. Yjrtr eoaa nr bloodshed smf death smf war. Nrestr, jr eoaa jsbr s htrsyau qpertgia saau. Pmau dpzr djsaa aobe. Yjr trdy eoaa qrtodj yrttonau. Good luck, illusionist creature...the whispers faded and I fell down. Down. Down. Into the Nether, and into my body.

I gasped. My eyes flew open and I fell backwards abruptly with a yelp. My heart beat rapidly and I took a moment to calm down. "Peterson?" I called quietly. He turned around and floated towards me.

"Hello, Sora," he said, his voice downcast. He was still hurt from the remarks Mabel had made.

"Bud, I have a job for you," I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Oh, boy!" he said, his tears drying up.

"I was meditating, blah blah blah, and I heard these voices singing. I listened harder, and after the first few words I recognized it as something akin to your language. I'll tell it to you and I need you to translate. Sound good?" Peterson nodded. I wracked my brain and found the strange saying. "Yjpdr eoyj yjr gasdjaohjy eyes...Zidy nr frdypurf...nrgptr smu vsm aobe. Yjrtr eoaa nr bloodshed smf death smf war. Nrestr, jr eoaa jsbr s htrsyau qpertgia saau. Pmau dpzr djsaa aobe. Yjr trdy eoaa qrtodj yrttonau."

Peterson looked chilled. "I-it says, 'Those with the flashlight eyes...must be destroyed...before any can live. There will be bloodshed and death and war. Beware, he will have a greatly powerful ally. Only some will live. The rest will perish terribly.'"

Dedicated to Wuz13000 . Go check her out please.
Stay blocky, Crafters.

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