Chapter 3- The Dog Vs. Him

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* Continuation =] *

He's walking.....

He's walking really fast!

Now he's approaching towards me...

And as expected... I'm running!

"Hey! Wait!" he said, extending his right arm. 

But I didn't stop. I kept on running even though  my feet hurts. Aww T.T I don't know if could still run. I'm too scared to stop but I'm so tired of running. I think I'm gonna faint. I'm gonna faint! This can't be happening! Not this time! 

"Oh please please please don't give up on me my precious feet," I said to my feet, running. Seriously? I'm talking to my feet? That was weird. 

I looked at him again and still this crazy  mokey is following me.

I turned around and "Bogsh!" 

I didn't see the post lamp coming infront of me. And so I hit my head badly. Aww... But before I fall he catched me. Suddenly I fainted because my head was so painful.






>>>>>>---------------------------- after 3  minutes ---------------------------------<


"Miss? Are you okay?"

"I think you should go to the hospital."

In my mind  I could hear that someone's talking...  Oh my! I forgot about that crazy monkey! Now I'm awake...  He's embracing me! He's holding my hand but wait! He's cute *o* his  eyes were so ... beautiful. He gazed at me with his crystal blue eyes but why was he embracing me? His face was getting  closer to mine. I think he's talking... I can't hear anything... Am I deaf? I think I'm imagining something...

"Hey, are you awake?" he whispered.

Finally I was done daydreaming. I shouldn't fall for him he's a pervert! 

"Back off you pervert!" I said, pushing him.

"What the?" he said curiously.

"Stop following me you stalker!" I shouted.

"I'm not stalking you. Why would I? You're not that pretty you know :P Hahahah feeler much :P" 

"T-then why were you following me?" (Oh my gosh why did I say that?)

"You dropped your earphones duh..." he said, showing my earphone to me.

"That's mine! Give it to me!" I yelled.

"Whoa!! Easy. I'm trying to be nice here."

"Nice? You almost killed me! I was so nervous! I thought y-"

"Thought what? Thought that I would kidnap you? Oh please why would I kidnap an ugly duckling?"

Oh he's really a pusher.  I was going to punch him but I didn't see the stone coming. I tripped and fell... I thought he's going to catch me but this time I fell on the ground. 

"Hahahaha! That was so hilarious!" he laughed, rubbing his stomach.

(Why? T.T Why did this happened to me?) I tried to stand but I can't. I crawled on the ground using  my hands and knees towards the post lamp and started to stand. All I need was a post lamp to help me. About that crazy monkey.. he's not a gentlman at all. He didn't even offer his hand to help me. Instead he just enjoyed watching me suffer from the pain that I got.

If he was my fiance? I'd rather prefer marrying a dog than to marry him! Okay, again.. that was weird. I compared him with a dog. 

Surely they both have in common but only one, they are both cute. That's it he's just a cute crazy monkey. On the contrary they differ in many ways especially their attitude...

I should stop comparing him with a dog -.-. But I really like dogs.  Even though I don't have a dog yet. Someday.. I will have my own dog.

         >------ THE DOG ------<              VS.              >------ HIM -------<

        1.          SWEET                                                 1.      MEAN

        2.          KIND                                                      2.     SARCASTIC

        3.          HELPFUL                                             3.      WORTHLESS 

        4.          ROMANTIC                                           4.      COLD  

"Give it to me." I said seriously.

"Only if you say... pweasee?" he requested, teasing me.

"Ugh I hate this crazy monkey." I mumbled.

"What did you just call me?" he asked. Now he became serious.

"Nothing. I said nothing," I replied, trying to get my earphone back but I can't he keeps on getting it away from me .

"You didn't say please why would I give it to you?' he asked.

"Ok. Please?" I said, crossing my arms.

"Hm... there's something missing..."

"What? I already said please."

"Got it!" he said, snapping his fingers. "You should say it like you mean it." he added.

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