Chapter 6- My Feelings For You

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After Edwin told me what was the meaning of W.T.F.... for him its Wattpad.Twitter.Facebook thing... I should get used to it. -.-* But what about Eric ? He's coming :OO after 3 days! I'm so excited ^__^ at the same time I'm nervous. What if he doesn't like me or maybe he's looking for someone else? What if he thinks I'm ugly?

Sigh... I could still remember what happend last night. That crazy monkey said that I'm an ugly duckling.  -.-* Am I ? But maybe Eric will appreciate me the way that I act and look. Ok. Alice just act normal. Breathe Alice breathe. (breathing...inhale...hmmmphh....  exhale..uhhhh.....)

They said Eric is a nice person even if he came from a wealthy family. I'm pretty sure girls would stick to him like magnets and metals...-.- hum.....

"Oh my gosh! :O Alice I was mistaken!" He exclaimed and he stood up immediately.

"Ughhh! What now? I'm still daydreaming about Eric...don't ruin it.." I complained while hugging Ted.<--- He's my bear. He's color blue, a size of a pig, and he is so cute especially with his white necktie tied on his neck. Sometimes I change his clothes. My favorite is the one that Stacey gave me. It says "Hug me" on the shirt. Going back to what Edwin said...

"Well... I think it's not after 3 days.." He mumbled. I can't understand anything....

"What? I can't hear you." I said.

"I saaaaaaid  I think  Eric won't come here after 3 days!!!" He yelled. 

"Ohh...why did you say so?" I asked. He gave the wrong information. -.-

"Because.. I-I think he's coming after 3..."

"3 what?!" I asked.

"hours.." He replied.

"WHAT!!! You should have told me earlier!" I shouted. I'm not ready yet T.T. I didn't take a bath and I have so many things to do. My room is a mess! 

"Wait, where are my parents?" I asked him.

"Humm... They are going to the airport to pick him up with Eric's parents of course." He answered. 

Oh no.. this is bad.. really bad... I'm not ready T~T. I can feel the pressure ='"((((( pressure,pressure,pressure....

"Relax Alice just  calm down...  like me :D And I'm here for you ;)" He said lying on my bed.

"Aww ^__^ Thank you  ^__^"  

"Nahh it was nothing. Just relax, don't do anything at all, don't change your clothes and don't take a bath. So that Eric will hate you ^__^ " He chuckled.


I thought Edwin really cares about me and that he would support me with my plans for Eric -.- . But I forgot  that he was jealous of Eric. Maybe that's the reason that he doesn't want me to take a bath or do anything and act like a lazy monkey so that Eric would hate me.


"Yes?" I asked Edwin. He looks really serious..

"I have to tell you something..." He stood up and he gazed at me with his perfect green eyes. My heart started to beat fast and my hands were so cold. Now this is the second time that I saw him acted this way.

"O-ok... what is it?"-I'm nervous..

"I like the way you dress and the way you talk, the way you act and especially the way you laugh. Even if you're crazy most of the times and you always get mad at me. But that's nothing. Even if you didn't take a bath for weeks or your room was messy... I like the way you are.  And I know that you're going to marry Eric soon. And someday you'll fall for him too. And I don't have the rights to stop you from falling for him. That's why all I can do is to support you with all my heart for every decisions that you'll make. But one thing for sure ....... I will always be your best friend."  He gave me a closed smile. 

I-I don't know what to say. Time is running but I was dumbfounded by what just Edwin said. I don't have any feelings for him but I'm really sad  because I know that he was also worried about me. I knew that he was trying to comfort me. That's why he broke the silence...


"Awww! Why did you do that!!?" I asked. He slapped me on my cheeks. 

"I was talking to you and you're not saying anything." He said.


"Let's just forget about what I said earlier. ^__^ You should be going to the bathroom now!!! You stink!!" He threw my towel on my face. 

"Ughhh! Ok -,-"  I replied walking like a zombie as I was heading to the shower. But still I can't believe that Edwin would say that to me.  

"Walk faster!!! Time is running!! Eric will be here in two hours!!" He shouted.

"Ok! Ok! I'm running!!!" 

Ok, now back to normal. I should forget about what happened today. Alice forget about it forget about it...Uggghhhh!!!!  Why can't I ???!!!!! 

*Comment and vote if you liked it ^__^* If you have some  suggestions just message me =D Sorry if it was too short.. =3

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