Chapter 9- Eric's Arrival

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Dedicated to: Julia Go ^____^ Thank you sa likes :D Miss na miss na kita :D Ingat lagi ;)

Chapter 9:  "Eric's Arrival" 

*Continuation* =]    

A minute after.... my mom was still knocking at the main door and still I didn't open it yet. I think I was paralyzed. My mind was commanding me to answer the door but my hands and my feet were not responding. I was so nervous, my heart was beating so fast. My hands were so cold and my knees were shaking. I don't know if I could face Eric especially his parents. Maybe they were expecting someone else. 

That's why Stacey answered the door instead but before that I was expecting that Eric was wearing a semiformal outfit with his black coat, dark trousers, a bow tie and cummerbund in short, a tuxedo. I could imagine that he would wear those kind of clothes. Okay, I should  stop imagining those kind of things it's not important anyway.. but I couldn't help it.

When Stacey answered the door I was surprised of what I saw. I stood there like a statue and didn't say anything at all.. not a single word. Eric was wearing a black jacket with a hoodie underneath with his matching dark skinny jeans. But  I couldn't see his face clearly because he was wearing his shades and he was looking on the opposite direction. But one thing for sure that I saw him already somewhere else ... I just couldn't remember where. His face looks familiar and he's cute. Well actually he's cute and handsome at the same time and he looks mysterious.

"Honey! We're here! You should greet our visitors." My mom gave me a warm hug. 

Edwin closed my opened mouth. Yup. I was shocked I didn't expect that Eric would wear those kind of clothes. He's so simple and just perfect. Even though I didn't see his face yet... he was at the back so I couldn't see him. So much for the effort.. I'm the only one who was wearing a dress... thanks to Stacey I looked like I attended to the wrong party. T.T

"Oh! I'm sorry Mother. Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Meyer." I greeted them innocently.

'Wow this was the first time that I saw Alice acted this way. Soooo weird..." Edwin mumbled.

"Shushhh!!!! She's trying to be nice, stop saying negative things!!!"  Stacey shouted.

"I'm just saying!" Edwin said narrowing his eyes at Stacey.

Eric's parents were looking at them. Well of course they heard everything. -.-*  Stacey's annoying voice was so loud. Now I got minus points from Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. </3 

"Good afternoon Alice. It's nice to meet you." Mrs. Meyer offered her right hand. 

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you too." I replied extending my left hand for an answer.

"Yep. This is not Alice." Edwin shook his head.

"Stop it Edwin!" -.-* Stacey shouted.

This was harder than I thought! Stacey and Edwin were still fighting infront of Eric's parents!  My mom was trying to entertain them. And now I couldn't see Eric. I think he went somewhere else... I couldn't see him!!

"By the way where's our son?" Mr. Meyer asked his wife.

"I-I don't know I think he went outside." Mrs. Meyer replied. She was looking at the back searching for Eric.

"I'm sorry sweetie... I couldn't find my son but I'm sure he'll be back." She apologized.

"No problem. I will just look for him." I answered. "Excuse me for awhile." I added as I went outside. At last! Fresh air! I can't breathe when Eric's parents are there. And I hate our conversation! It was so formal. >.< They were so kind to me.. I'm the opposite of them. Where's Eric anyway? I need to find him before he'll go somewhere else! 

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