Chapter 9 - The Council (Part 1)

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The Council Chamber was at the top of the highest tree in the Lost Valley. It was the very heart of Ichi and the entire Izenth tribe was governed from this very room. Tiny windows were carved at the sides of the tree facing all directions, so that the council would have a view of the entire Lost Valley. In the center of the Council Chamber was a stone table. On the table was an intricate carved replica of the entire Lost Valley. The carving had stone markers to indicate which areas were being scouted, which had threats and where the guard patrols would go.

Curved tables were on the left and right of the stone table in the middle of the room. Eight council members sat around the curved tables to discuss matters of importance. There were four seats on the left of the stone table and four seats on the right of the stone table. The room was lit by lamps and had shelves carved into the walls all around. The shelves held many scrolls and records of the history of the Izenth and also important current information. It was somewhat of an archive for important knowledge passed down over the years as well. Some shelves had hidden compartments hiding secret documents such as the method to forge Izenth ice weapons – icicles & frost daggers.

It's now or never, thought Rei as he approached the doors of the Council Chamber and cautiously rapped on the door. The two guards standing at each side of the door were Elite Izenth warriors. Elites had to graduate at the top of their class during warrior training. They were then separated from the other warrior trainees to undergo training under extreme conditions, and often sent into skirmishes to prove themselves in battle. They looked on straight as they were trained to do, not saying a single word. Rei ignored them, and waited to be called in. He had much to report to the Council and knew that he would struggle to find the words.

"Enter," A deep voice emanated from the chamber.

The two Elites responded immediately and moved from their positions to unlock the door. They heavy doors creaked open as wood rubbed upon wood. The flickering lamps from inside the room cast nine shadows on the wooden floor of the chamber.

The Council itself consisted of eight members, and was headed by the chief. Each council member was considered to be someone of great wisdom. Aside from planning the future of the tribe, they also handled day-to-day tribe affairs. On special occasions, serious disputes were brought before the Council to be judged. Each council member was a leader of every aspect of the Izenth people. The functions led by each of them were Defense, Education, Reconnaissance, Hunting, Farming, Development, Armory and Resources.

As Rei walked into the room, a sense of awe washed over him just as it had every other time. It was in this very room that every major decision in Ichi was deliberated. He was well-prepared to report the unusual events that had taken place that day. He had played the words in his head over and over again. I saw a commoner fly and use magic. They didn't make sense no matter how many times he repeated it in his head. I hoped they don't throw me in the Healing Chamber for sudden insanity.

"Rei." A deep voice boomed from one of the nine shadows. "You disobeyed us and went to rescue your daughter. You know very well that the council has to punish disobedience." Rei shuffled nervously as the words echoed against the walls of the room. The tension hung heavily in the chamber, so thick that you could practically cut it with a knife. This wasn't going well.

"Step forward," boomed the voice from the center of the two tables. Rei did not have to step into the light to know who had spoken. The highest ranking leader in the tribe – the chief, sat in the center of the two tables. He held great authority and respect of all the Izenth Exiles.

The chief stood up from his seat as Rei took a cautious step closer towards the center of the room. The chief's face was hidden under his hood and he stood a head taller than Rei. He was still as imposing as ever, even after aging past his glory days as a mighty Izenth warrior. He pulled back his hood, revealing an aged but stout face with short white hair and a thick white beard. It was the face of a battle hardened war veteran.

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