Chapter 18 - I Won't Let You (Part 1)

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When the four Eadrens landed in the middle of the commoner camp, the camp was surprisingly deserted. The usual activity had ceased and the only indication that there had been people here were the muddy footprints left in the snow.

"I don't like this," Amadeus said as he dismounted from Bob. "It's quiet... too quiet." Uneasiness crept in as he surveyed the abandoned camp. He had never seen the camp this empty and void of activity before. Had the commoners already managed to escape?

One dismounted from his carrier, much to the relief of the two Eadrens that have been carrying him. Both of them cooed in relief as One patted their heads gently. Exhausted from the journey, both of them lay down on the cool snow to rest.

Taking his place by Amadeus' side, One stretched his muscles which were stiff from the long ride sitting uncomfortably in a carrier. Bastian and Bianca remained on their mounts, holding their spears at ready. The Eadren looked around nervously, as if they could sense that something was amiss.

Amadeus knelt down and took off one of his gloves. He ran his fingers along one of the muddy footprints, feeling the cold and wet ground. He rubbed the snowy mud between his fingers. "Footprints aren't fresh," he deduced. "The commoners haven't been around here for some time."

"No," Rei corrected him. "There are still people all around." He had his eyes closed, and was taking slow steady breaths.

"Your sixth sense?" Amadeus asked.

Rei nodded. "There, there and... there," he said while pointing in several directions where there were commoner tents. "They're scattered all around but not moving. I sense fear in the air."

Amadeus looked closely at the tents Rei had pointed at; every one of them had been sealed up and looked abandoned. Gazing towards the tent of meeting, he saw that a pole had been erected right outside. On top of the pole, there was a figure of a person. "There's someone there. I'm going to take a look," he announced and started to walk quickly towards it.

One put a firm hand on Amadeus' shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. "Master, it dangerous here. One come with you?"

Amadeus paused and glanced over his shoulder at One, giving an approving nod. He was thankful to have One around. One had never left his side despite being granted freedom back in Da Bez Town. Walking on, One followed closely behind in silence. Bastian and Bianca looked at each other for a moment, before nodding at each other. Together, they nudged their Eadren forward as well towards the tent of meeting.

As Amadeus approached the tent of meeting, he shivered. It wasn't the coldness from the ice or the snow; no, this was different. Amadeus could feel the chill of death in the air. Peering up the pole, he saw someone tied to it. At this distance, Amadeus could make out the face of the person - it was Uthaes, the other commoner who had been sent out to get help from the Avianath. Blood trailed down his face, and his tunic was stained in dark red. Seeing him there only added more to the ever growing list of questions Amadeus had since they landed in White Harrow. Had he been captured and punished? Where was everyone else?

"He's dead." Rei's words cut through the cold air like a knife, his voice void of emotion. He still had his eyes closed and was seated behind Bianca as her Eadren, Deb walked cautiously towards the pole.

"No, it can't be," protested Amadeus.

"I don't know about dead, but that man tied to the pole sure is spooking out Bob," said Bastian as he tried to calm Bob down. Bob was struggling against the reins, wanting to break away from the group.

"He's right Amadeus, I can't sense life nearby. I'm sorry." Izumi said, looking at Amadeus sadly. "Was he a friend?"

"Not exactly," Amadeus replied, hanging his head low. His heart felt like it was weighed down by a ton of bricks. Uthaes wasn't exactly friendly to him, but he had never been one of those who had tormented him either. Why? Why did he have to die? How did he get killed? This is my fault.

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