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A dark figure crept silently on the cobblestone path with only the pale moonlight to guide him. A distance away, torches illuminated a large stone archway with a large steel gate barring entrance through it. Two guards that were keeping watch tensed visibly upon sight of the approaching figure. They both raised their broadswords and air currents immediately encircled around the blade rapidly.

"Who goes there?" one of the guards growled. He had a scar across one of his eyes, a memento from his past battles.

The other guard remained silent. He held a blowing horn which was slung over his shoulder and brought it close to his lips. It was a warning horn, to alert the rest of the guards in the city of Iridia.

The figure remained silent, and continued taking steps towards the gate.

"Last warning," warned the guard with the scar across his eye. "Identify yourself or else..." his threat trailed off as the dark figure ignored his words and continued walking on, with his white cloak trailing behind him.

Without warning, the second guard released a burst of air current which swirled and sped towards the dark figure. The figure paused but did not attempt to avoid the incoming attack. The swirling air current found its target, hitting the figure on the chest.

The guards widened their eyes in fear as the attack glanced harmlessly off the figure's body and was deflected to the left. There was snap as a large trunk of the tree split cleanly into half. The top half of the tree bowed down and collapsed onto the ground with a crash. With a shaking hand, the second guard immediately pressed his lips on the mouthpiece of the blowing horn.

The figure made a come hither gesture with his hand and the blowing horn was snatched from his grasp, only to be flung away into the distance. The guard with the scar over his eye gripped his sword firmly in his hand and stood his ground, while the other let his sword drop to the cobblestone floor with a clang. He whimpered and got on his knees in surrender.

The figure continued walking forwards and slowly pulled his white hood back, revealing a head of neat long blonde hair. Lines formed on his harsh face as he frowned and glared at the two guards. Under the flickering torches, the guards could make out the White Harrow crest on his robe.

"M-m-malevolent D-Drake," stammered the guard on the floor as he stared at his shaking hands in dismay. "I c-can't believe it. I attacked Malevolent Drake. I-I'm sorry milord, I didn't know it was you!"

"Pull yourself together Paulus!" The guard with the scar over his eye spoke firmly to his partner, without taking his eyes off Malevolent. "Lord Drake, we weren't expecting you. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"I'm here to see Lewis Wolfe," Malevolent answered softly.

"Paulus, rouse Lord Wolfe from his chambers. Let him know that Malevolent Drake of White Harrow is here," said the guard with the scar.

"Right away," answered Paulus as he got to his feet and fumbled with the locks of the steel gate. The gate opened with a screech, and he gladly disappeared through it.

Malevolent tapped his foot impatiently as the minutes passed by. It wasn't long before the steel gate opened again, with Paulus stumbling out and holding it open for the Lord of Iridia. Lewis Wolfe was cloaked in blue, as he walked out the gate escorted by a squad of Iridia's elite guards. The plate armor of the Iridia elite guards shone against the light of the torches as they marched in formation, surrounding their Lord protectively.

"Guard protection, Lewis?" Malevolent asked mockingly. "Is there really a need?"

Lewis frowned and raised his hand, signaling for the guards to stay put. "What do you want Malevolent? Your commoner slaves are already en route. You should be in White Harrow to receive them, not here."

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