Chapter 13 - To The Death (Part 1)

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                Amadeus was expecting to see an announcer or commentator. The Nobles sometimes had duels when two wizards were unable to settle a disagreement. Duels were normally between two individuals who represented their families and they seldom ended in death. "We aren't barbarians," the Nobles would boast. Normally a very charismatic Noble would dramatically introduce the two duelers and give a play-by-play throughout the fight. His job was to make the fight interesting and to entice the crowd to make bets on the winner.

This crowd however needed neither commentator nor announcer. They cheered wildly without restraint. In fact, even though Amadeus was still a distance away when the fighting started, he knew the exact moment it did start. The exact moment that the fight started, the entire crowd went into a frenzy of hoots and howls.

By the time they arrived, the fight had already begun and a crowd had surrounded the arena. There was no way Amadeus would be able to see the fight from behind the sea of heads. The crowd made the humid heat all the more obvious but the energy in the atmosphere was electric. The air had the saltiness of sand and the bitterness of blood.

"We be too late. We at back row," muttered Badaboom in a disappointed tone.

Amadeus kept silent; not being sure of how to respond. Was Badaboom actually pouting?

"Here, humie too short to see fighting pit. Come on shoulder," Badaboom offered. He lifted Amadeus onto his shoulders so that he could get a good look at the action.

Perched upon Badaboom's huge shoulders, Amadeus could make out two large Rokuth. They both looked young and inexperienced, unlike the battle hardened guards. It was hard to believe that one of them would die today. The fight had already started but something seemed odd. Amadeus' eyes darted back and forth between the two fighting Rokuth; confused. It didn't look like a fight at all. One Rokuth was delivering blow after blow, while the other Rokuth only stood there trying to defend himself. He wasn't fighting back.

"Why isn't he fighting back?"

"The one hitting is Thudza, the other is called No-One. You see rock on back of No-One," Badaboom pointed at the rock strapped to one of the fighter's backs. "Is tiny! Is shame for Rokuth to have such small rock on back. Rock big mean Rokuth strong; rock small means Rokuth weak."

Amadeus could make out the rocks strapped to both the Rokuth fighting in the center of the arena. One rock was indeed much larger than the other.

"When Rokuth small, start with small pebble on back. Roktuh train every day to be strong. When stronger, rock bigger. Rock keep getting bigger until Rokuth is full size."

As Badaboom explained, he gestured a growing rock by increasing the distance between his two inward facing palms. "Finally, Rokuth go to trial. Bigger rock means bigger boom boom!" Badaboom slammed his fist into his hand with gusto as he made his point.

"Isn't it unfair to pit a weaker Rokuth against such a strong one?"

"No. When Rokuth is born, before know of strong or weak, is given pair. Pair is trained together and finally trial will leave only one from pair alive. Is Rokuth way, weak die and strong survive. See Thudza rock, is very big for Rokuth who just come of age. No-One knows this. He give up and ready to die."

What Badaboom said was true. It looked like No-One was losing as Thudza pummeled him relentlessly. No-One was doing a good job defending, but there was no way he was going to win unless he fought back.

"Look around Amady," Badaboom gestured at the sea of heads in the arena. "All Rokuth have rock on back. Bigger rock means Rokuth more important. Chief of Rokuth has biggest rock." He then pointed at the rock that was strapped to his own back proudly, "Look, Badaboom is ranked 200 among Rokuth. Pretty good huh?" Amadeus nodded politely and turned his attention back to the brutal fight unfolding before him.

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