Chapter 21 - The Last Stand (Part 3)

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"Listen up," Old Jarbus addressed the crowd. "The next wave is going to be big, and it's going to be dangerous. I expect everyone to keep each other alive, and do your best to survive." He pointed clearly to the large concrete building they were guarding. "Remember who we are fighting for," he shouted "our women and children!"

The commoners murmured amongst themselves with shields raised over their heads and weapons at ready. They hit the front of their shields with their various weapons in unison three times, letting out resounding metallic hums. They were as ready as they were ever going to be.

"It's time," Amadeus said to his team as they formed a protective semi-circle around the barred doors of the concrete building. The crowd of commoners around them had reduced to half the number they started with. The casualties were piling up, and the situation was bad. How much longer would they have to hold out for? Amadeus turned to Rei who was standing next to him with icicles drawn.


"Hmm?" Rei looked at him with eyebrows raised.

"If I don't make it out of this—"

"I'm gonna have to stop you right there, Amadeus." Rei held up his finger to interrupt. "There is no 'if'... we are going to make it out of this."

"Okay," Amadeus replied in an unconvinced tone. "How long more till dawn?"

Rei looked up in the sky and bit his lower lip. "About... three more hours."

"Three more hours," repeated Amadeus. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

The silhouettes of more battle-wizards were now rising above White Harrow. They looked much more organized than the first two waves and formed a formation of multiple lines. The second line hovered slightly above the first line. The third line hovered behind and slightly above the second line. They looked somewhat like a staircase and Amadeus very briefly imagined walking up towards the moon by stepping on their heads.

As they approached the battlefield, Amadeus could make out the distortion in the air from the front row; wind affinity battle-wizards. The second row started to glow light blue and a torrent of ice encircled them. The third row had a dangerous orange glow and it looked like the entire row was engulfed in flames. The final and top row remained at the back flank, holding up a wall of earth that looked solid enough to protect the formation from back attacks.

Bastian rushed into the box formation head on, with his shield raised and spear pointed forward. The wind currents blustered behind his Eadren's tail exhibited the immense force which propelled him forward. Bianca and Old Jarbus held back, hovering protectively above the commoners covering beneath the field of wooden spikes.

All at once, the wind affinity battle-wizards in the front row collectively focused their magic towards Bastian and he was thrown off trajectory and veered shakily to the right. For a moment, he looked as if he would overturn and plummet to the ground. However, Bastian regained his balance and circled around, taking his place again next to Old Jarbus. The box formation continued to advance forward slowly but surely.

"This is a defensive formation," Rei explained as they stood there watching the aerial assault. "On the ground, it would be almost impossible to break. The front row uses its wind affinity both defensively and offensively. They use air currents to throw back any frontal attacks and lightning to weaken the front lines of the enemy. The back row uses earth affinity to create solid walls to deflect attacks from behind. The second row and third row offensive battle-wizards of ice and fire are wedged between the two defensive rows making it difficult to reach them."

"Why not just attack from the sides?" Amadeus asked.

Rei shook his head in reply. "The box formation was designed to be rotated. The Nobles would just turn to face the attackers from the sides so that the front or back row would bear the brunt of the attack. The only way to break through his to attack the front, back and sides at the same time."

"It looks like they are preparing to do just that," said Amadeus as he watched the floating battle with trepidation. Bastian was surged forwards again to take the air affinity battle-wizards head on. Old Jarbus and Bianca circled around to the left and right both taking one of the sides in a pincer maneuver.

As the front row focused air currents towards Bastian, he feigned an upwards dodge before diving steeply below them and rising up in the middle of their ranks. In the middle of the box formation, he started to cause chaos within. Meanwhile, Old Jarbus and Bianca had also penetrated through the top and sides. The battle-wizards were caught by surprise. They started to panic and broke away from the formation.

"That's a brilliant strategy," commented Rei. "In the air, they were not just limited to a single plane. By attacking from the bottom, Bastian managed to distract them enough for the other two to penetrate the defensive formation. Something doesn't look right though... there are too little of them in the sky. We—"

"Incoming attackers from the ground!" yelled Izumi as she pointed at several groups of battle-wizards advancing on foot. The groups on the ground had greater numbers than those that were in the air. They were just a diversion, Amadeus thought angrily; annoyed that he didn't see through such an obvious feint.

"Shields up! They're coming from the ground!" Amadeus yelled in the absence of Old Jarbus who was still busy battling the battle-wizards in the air. The commoners lowered their shields from above their heads to face the oncoming enemies who were charging into them.

The field exploded in an array of fire, ice, lightning, and steel. Wood splinters erupted in many directions and snow splattered in all directions as the commoners held their footing and clashed with the incoming wave of Nobles. Despite being outnumbered two to one by the battle-wizards, but they fought on bravely. As Old Jarbus had directed, the commoners stood shoulder to shoulder, not allowing the battle-wizards to penetrate their ranks. As a mighty wave beating upon a rocky cliff, the battle-wizards of White Harrow continued to push forward again and again, each attack stronger than the one before.

While the mud-coated wooden shields have been holding together so far, the signs of strain were starting to be evident among the commoner fighters. Amadeus watched with bated breath and knew in his heart that the Exiles would have to step in soon or the commoners would suffer more casualties. However, if they joined the battle at the front lines, they would leave the barricaded door to the building exposed. Torn within, he struggled with the decision.

"What's it going to be?" Izumi asked.

Amadeus looked out at the chaos that was overtaking the battlefield. He closed his eyes momentarily, envisioning the scene before him if he did not intervene. Was it something he could live with? Opening his eyes and surveying the battle, the commoners continued to fight valiantly but were pushed back step-by-step. Amadeus knew he had to make a decision there and then.

"We fight," he answered. The Exiles nodded and rushed out to the battlefield with weapons drawn immediately. Only One remained standing by his side. The glow in One's eyes intensified, and a chill ran down Amadeus' spine. What looked like trails of fire started to run in between his muscles and veins. Amadeus felt the heaviness of the aura of power One was emanating. It was enough to bring him to his knees and he had to draw strength to remain standing. 

Author's Note: If you're reading this between 19 June and 4th July, and you've liked the story, please do take a minute to head to "" and vote in the comments for my story. Thanks for all your support :)

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