Chapter 17 - Palladium (Part 1)

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"Jarbus?" Chief Penn asked incredulously; skeptical of Bastian's report. He crossed his arms while sitting imposingly upon his throne. He was a man aged in years, but yet well-built, showing years of toil on the battlefield.

"Yes, Chief." Bastian respectfully removed his helmet. Amadeus saw his face for the first time. He was handsome, with green eyes and a strong jaw. He ran his fingers through the short blonde hair which had matted underneath the helmet. Amadeus and Izumi had been escorted to have an audience with Chief Penn by Bastian. The three of them were standing quite a distance from Chief Penn's throne. It was not personal, just standard protocol - no one was allowed to approach the throne unless summoned.

"Captain, I'm a very busy man. Claiming to have ties with Jarbus is one thing, but asking for assistance on his behalf is another. This better be genuine or you're going to be my personal water boy for a week. And those two..." Chief Penn pointed at Izumi & Amadeus standing behind Bastian. "I'll throw them off the cliff myself."

Amadeus cautiously leaned his head outwards to peer down the cliff conveniently located next to Chief Penn's throne. All the way down to the ground, the cliff's face had the same jagged edges which littered the rest of the mountain's surface. He felt a chill run down his spine, and it had nothing to do with the cold winds.

"There's more; two more to be exact," Bastian added.

"I trust you've dealt with them?"

"We've taken away their weapons. They're on their way here as we speak."

Chief Penn stood up from his throne. It was jagged and rocky, much like a replica of the peaks where the Avianath resided. A fur covering was draped over the middle, and cascaded down to the foot of the throne. There was neither shelter nor tent covering the throne. It stood in the middle of a white open space, like a lone boat drifting in the vast ocean. As he stood up, his long gray hair blustered in the wind but he paid it no mind. He gestured for Amadeus to step forward.

Amadeus hesitantly walked forward towards the throne, uncertain of the Avianath customs. Bastian gave him an encouraging smile as he passed by. His steps felt heavier and heavier as the approached the rocky throne. It was the final leg of his quest. Would he succeed in getting the Avianath to aid the White Harrow commoners in this time of crisis? He had come too close to fail now. When he came face to face with the Chief, he was uncertain of what to do. No time to contemplate his next move, he decided to just give a courteous nod.

Chief Penn did not seem to be offended, but eyed Amadeus suspiciously. "What is your name?"

"I am Amadeus, commoner of White Harrow."

"If you really do know Jarbus, tell me what his position was before he left the tribe."

"Scout," Amadeus replied without hesitation.

"That was an easy one. Why did Jarbus leave the Avianath?"

"To protect the commoners of White Harrow," he replied again confidently.

Chief Penn leaned forward, studying Amadeus closely. His breath smelled like smoke and mint. "Anyone from White Harrow would know that."

"Ask me a harder question then," Amadeus challenged with a raised eyebrow. What was it with Exiles and distrust?

"Very well," Chief Penn said, clearing his throat. "What did Jarbus see, that affected him so deeply? What did he witness that drove him to leave the tribe to join the commoners of White Harrow?" The Chief smiled to himself triumphantly, confident that Amadeus would not know the answer.

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