Chapter 11 - Campfire (Part 1)

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 The air was filled with the scent of burning wood as the sounds of merrymaking emanated from revelers. A large campfire burned fiercely and brightly in the middle of the Ichi. Drums were being played and many of the Izenth danced joyfully to the beat. All sorts of roasted meats and vegetables were displayed on a long table and people were free to take as much as they could eat.

The Izenth had over the years, nurtured a culture of prudence. Being a simple people, they seldom splurged on such lavish celebrations. Each person took only what was enough to fill their bellies. They ate precisely enough to feel satisfied, and not a morsel more. Joyful laughter could be heard in the background as children ran around playfully. Those who were not dancing were sitting around the fire, enjoying each other's company.

Amadeus was having a fantastic time enjoying the softest bed he had ever slept on in his life when he was awakened by the healers. He resisted the urge to pretend to remain unconscious. The bed was just too tempting, likened to the epitome of comfort. They hoisted him up and redressed his wounds. They didn't bother explaining and took off his silk gown that all the patients wore (much to his displeasure). The healers put a traditional Izenth gray wolf skin on him before guiding him swiftly to the front door.

"You are summoned to the celebrations of our victory over the invading Nobles from White Harrow," the healer explained, putting Amadeus' arm over his shoulder. "I will guide you there."

"Wait... wha—?" Before Amadeus could finish his sentence, the healer was firmly but gently guiding him away from the Healing Chambers.

In the distance, Amadeus could hear the sounds and see the warm glow from the flames as he hobbled towards the celebration with his arm around the Izenth healer. The healer walked side-by-side with him, guiding him step-by-step towards the area where the celebrations were being carried out. Amadeus stumbled more than once going through the narrow walkways but the healer helped to keep him supported. Why am I even being summoned to this celebration? I should be resting in bed.

"Amadeus!" Izumi shouted as she rushed enthusiastically towards them. "Come, the Chief is having you as his guest of honor tonight." The healer handed him off to her as she gently put his arm around her shoulders.

Amadeus' stomach fluttered; happy to be close to Izumi again. She was so close to him that she could smell the scent of flowers from her hair. His entire body felt clumsy and tense, his heart beating faster than normal – why did he feel this way around her? He was glad that the surroundings were dark aside from the glow of the campfire. That way, nobody would notice that his cheeks were blushing red.

Chief Akai sat at the head of the table on a platform that was raised overlooking the campfire – his default seat. The Izenth Council sat around the table but there was an additional seat prepared on his right that was still vacant. He had specially requested for Amadeus to be seated next to him that he may decide for himself if there was truly a prophet in their midst. He was expecting an imposing man with an aura of power; so you can imagine his surprise to see the silhouette of a runt, not much taller than Rei's daughter. The runt limped weakly as she helped him into the seat next to him.

"Welcome to Ichi, our home. I am Chief Akai. Please, enjoy the feast before you." Chief Akai clapped his hand twice, signaling his attendants to serve Amadeus. He himself picked up a jug, to pour a drink of crushed berries infused with cool spring water. This was a significant gesture of respect for the Izenth – to pour a drink for an honored guest.

Amadeus was unfamiliar with Izenth customs. "Thank you, Chief." He smiled weakly in reply. The smell of the food before him was enticing; and he was suddenly awakened to the realization of how truly hungry he was. He had not eaten in the last twenty four hours. He stared at the alien looking dishes before him and decided to try something that looked like roasted meat. He took a tiny nibble and the meat was juicy and tender. It felt as though it was melting in his mouth.

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