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65 votes?? next chapter will be excitingg i promise

zoë walker hooper

his lips had found their way back to mine, my hands twisting and turning through his thick blonde hair. his mouth opened lightly and he moaned, his eyes on mine as we stood in the dance floor. it was another party, another house, three weeks later and so far- my plan had been going extremely well.

i was at the part where i had to 'cheat' on him, to let him know he's the vulnerable one in the relationship. and i had really hit the jackpot when grayson decided to drink tonight making him drunk off of his brain and cuddly as could be. i made sure grayson saw me when i kissed the boy- indicating i had initiated it; causing him to stride up recklessly.

"hey, babe. your lips are a little bit red."

he points out dizzily, his body giddy from the alcohol. i bite my lip and the blonde boy lightly steps back not knowing whether to be afraid or amused. gray gripped my butt in a soft manner and placed his hand on my shoulder, guiding me upstairs. his head was pushed forward and he stumbles into a room instantly falling onto the bed. when i sit next to him he raises a brow and looks at me.

"your lips aren't supposed to be sore from another boy, zoë. only me."

his words come out lightly as his hands lazily touch my lips and he plays with them admiring the fact that they were plump and wet. i nod slowly and he looks into my eyes- his head still leant against the bed rails. he continued looking into my eyes before he spoke,

"mae has pretty freckles. when i kiss her, i see them up close."

he says this with his eyes closed as if he's about to kiss her, and i fly right awake. he just said mae. as in 'one of fleur's friends who broke up with him a while ago'. yet he said it like they'd hung out recently. - kissed recently, to be more specific.

"and ivori has big lips like yours, that's why she's the best at giving head."

i narrow my eyes at him- not knowing whether or not he's messing with me. he's not though, he's being honest brutally honest. i take in a breathe as he trails his hands down to the cups of my breasts and squeezes it. i squeal lightly and he chuckles before talking again,

"you know? jade squeals just like you, when i was with her last week she squealed really loud."

i gasp, unsure of why he's telling me this now and why the girls didn't tell me. they had acted as if they had broken up with him and moved on so quickly when the realization unfolded that they are the side hoes, or maybe i'm the side; it made sense. i lightly stand up, grayson still laying on the bed in exhaustion. but, once again, i wasn't exhausted for anything right now; i need to talk to the girls.


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