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70 votes ?? guys i told you it would get intense

zoë walker hooper

i don't think i've ever stridden down the stairs so fast. i complete leave grayson in the room and search for the girls. i am very well aware that they are all drunk right now but, drunkenness won't change a thing.

i pull them from the boys that they are hanging with and drag them into the backyard. ivori fumbles out onto the patio and nearly falls into the pool as mae chokes on her mojito.

fleur looks pissed and i try not to laugh as i pull them closer together and stare at them. jade shrugs her shoulders and nearly turns around to walk back into the room when i grab her by her collar and she quickly u-turns.

"you guys told me you were done with grayson."

i say this aloud, not pointing fingers at anybody because everybody was guilty. they don't know how much harder they made this plan.

"yea, well i'm sorry but he's hot as fuck."

ivori says this, leaning all of her body weight on mae who's entirely slumped against fleur. jade looks at me with hooded eyes and i'm pretty sure she's asleep until she steps up to me angrily.

"are you accusing me? just because you have him now doesn't mean that it will last forever."

"kind of like your relationship with him?"

i say this bluntly, not even thinking clearly. she turns to me, an aggressively angry look on her face. she was making this so frustrating. i had told them all the plan and here they were simply screwing me over.

"you know, i never really liked you. you seemed bitchy from the start."

"well, i'm sorry. but you're the one still obsessed with him even after our plan!"

i raise my eyebrows at the word 'plans' making sure she understood what i meant exactly.

people were beginning to surround us and listen in on our conversation. mae, ivori, and fleur stood silent- not even paying attention to our conversation.

"oh, yea. like your plan is even going to work! just stop trying to be the hero, please. it's most definitely not helping us- it's taking you long enough."

"maybe because you can't keep your legs shut. he left you for a reason., jade."

she tightens her fists and storms towards me, i inch towards the edge of the concrete and the beginning of the pool. i feel as if i can see grayson in the corner of my eye- he was still drunk but still able to comprehend what she was saying.

"what are you guys going?"

jade looks at him, smirking. why did she feel so obligated to be with him? i lick my lips not even looking at him; anxiously waiting for her to come at me.

jade then storms past grayson and stands right in front of me, her index finger pushing against my chest.

"fuck you."

she states this before pushing me into the water. the room temperature water caused my blood to rush as jade leaves the scene and people begin to cheer.

i put up my middle finger in her view and she rolls her eyes. now, my clothes were freezing and damp. i slip them off so that i am only in my underwear; much like a bathing suit.

after i fall in, it's like a trigger for the rest of the party goers to join in. yet i get out. i have my heels hooked along my index finger and thumb along with my dress scrunched up in a fist. my hair is dripping down my back as my irritation grows.

"babe, what's wrong?"

i huff, slipping into the drivers seat of my car. grayson sits in the passenger seat: not planning on leaving but planning on staying with me as long as he decided.

that wasn't very long though. if he wants to screw me over, i'll take no time in screwing him right back.


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