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"Louis I... I need to tell you something." She said as she walked onto our room. I looked up from playing a game on my phone. "What's up, baby?"

She walked over to me slowly, with her hand placed lightly on her stomach, like a feather would be on water. But she held it there hesitantly, like she was scared. But, why?

"Um... I-I'm uh, well I... just uh... "She stuttered over her words, trying to find the right ones to say. I gently pull her down onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist holding her close to me. "Baby, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything. It can't be that bad" I spoke sweetly into her ear.

She didn't reply, and not even a few seconds later she was crying into my shoulder. I rubbed her back, and rocked us slightly, knowing it would calm her down enough for her to explain

After a few minutes she had calmed down enough, and her crying had diminished into little hiccups every now and then. "Baby can you please tell me what's wrong?" I ask her and kiss her cheek. She turns a little bit in my lap, and looks my in the eye.

I could see so many emotions in her eyes at that moment; hurt, sadness, hope, scared, love, happiness and so many more. Just everything mixed together, and I couldn't piece together what all those emotions meant.

I was too lost in my thoughts, trying to figure out what was going on, that I didn't notice the small promise ring that was being placed lightly into my hand.

I looked at it, and then back at her, confused and sad. I held her hand in mine, and tried to put it back on her figure, but she pulled her hand away before I could slip it back on.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes. I tried again, but she pulled away again and even further away than before. I let a loose tear fall down my cheek; I look in her eyes, ready to cry. Wanting to hear the truth of why she is doing this, scared to figure it out as well.

"Why did you give this back? Do you not love me anymore? Did I do something wrong, that made you not love me anymore?" I asked sadly. She shook her head, and kissed me. She kissed me, but this kiss wasn't like any of the others that we shared. This one was different. She felt... distant. As if she was kissing me for the last time. As if it was a kiss, goodbye.

"No that's not it at all Louis. It's just the news I bring could ruin your life, and change everytrhing. But I don't want to be the reason that you can't live your life, and the reason why you won't be able to follow your dreams. So, after I tell, I'm leaving. I have already packed all my stuff and made plans to go and live with Sarah"

I have no idea what she is talking about, but it broke my heart in half. Right then and there.

"Louis," she began and looked at me, "...I'm pregnant" she said, and immediately got up and headed to the door.

As quickly as I could I got up and stopped her. I grabbed her hand turning her to face me. I looked her in the eyes, smiled and kissed her.

Sadly, she didn't kiss back. I pulled away with my smile slowly fading and asked "what makes you think that that would ruin my life?" I asked sincerely.

She just looked up at me with tears in her eyes and a broken expression on her face. Looking as if tears will soon break through the barrier she is trying to create by blinking them away, at any second. "Because... she's not yours" before I had time to even react, she was out the door.

I just stood there, frozen. You know when people say that your heart is fragile? Well mine just shattered into a million and one tiny pieces. The only thing going through my mind thought was, "she's not yours." that same line just kept repeating itself. She said that she wasn't mine, so if she knew it was a girl and that it wasn't long had she known that she was pregnant? And is she wasn't mine... whose was she? Who did she cheat on me with? How long had she been going behind my back?

What happened to us?

Heyyyyy!! So here is the prologue. What did you think? Was it good? Please comment! I also need a cover for my story please? Can you guys make one and send it too me? I'll pick the one I like the most and dedicate a chapter to the one who made it. And sorry this is short.


I'll Never Leave You... Again? (one direction story)Where stories live. Discover now