Chapter 1

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"Guys! Where did all my food go?! I just went shopping yesterday!" Louis yelled to his four best mates, that were sitting in his living room. All fingers pointed towards Niall, who was too entranced by whatever was on the TV, to even notice the fact everyone pointing at him, or that Louis had even said anything.

Louis looked through his fridge and cupboards again, hoping that something would magically appear, but again he found very minimal. "Guess I'll just have to go shopping later then." Louis said as he walked into the living room, and flopped down on one of the two couches that he had in there.

"Why don't you go now so that we aren't starving all night?" Zayn asked dramatically. Louis shook his head, saying that he was too tired to go at that moment.

The other boys started to ask him to go as well, after a while he got annoyed and jumped off the couch. "Fine! I'll go get food now. geez guys, like calm the fuck down" he laughed a bit. "And besides with you guys asking, do I ever even have a choice if I want to go or not?"

They all laughed. "No you don't when I'm the one that's asking. Now gooooo." Niall responded, causing everyone to laugh a little harder.

Louis grabs his red hoodie and outs on a pair of white converse runners, he grabbed his keys and wallet and left. "Don't make a mess or burn the place down while I'm gone!" he yelled as he was shutting the door.

Louis decided that he would walk to the store today. He started walking to the store that was only a block away from his place.

As he was passing by the park that wasn't too far from his place, he noticed a little girl with blonde hair, sitting on one of the swings.

He looked around and noticed that she was the only person there. Louis walked over to the little girl on the swings.

Louis crouched down in front of the cutie. He smiled a kind smile and waved to her. She looked at him and shyly waved back.

"Hey, love. What's your name?" Louis asked the little girl, sitting on the swing, being pushed slightly by the low wind.

The little girl looked up at Louis and frowns. She shrugs her shoulders making the right strap on her tank top fall off her shoulder.

"You don't know?" Louis asked. She shrugs again in response to his question. He looks at her confused as to how she may not know her own name.

"Do you know how old you are?"

She nods smiling. "How old?" she holds her little hand up to Louis, holding up three little fingers. Louis smiled at her.

"Where do you live sweetie?" Louis asks, as she jumps off the swing, stumbling a little bout and getting her balance back. She looks up at Louis and shrugs her shoulders again. "do you have a home?" she shrugs again. "Do you have a family?" she shrugged again.

Louis frowns at this. Thought of the little girl, not having a place to call home, no one to call family, no one to love her. She had no one to tuck her in at night and say 'I love you'. He bent down to her level and smiled at her. "Do you want to come live with me and my friends? We can be your family, if you want?" Louis told the toddler excitedly. She smiled at him and raised her hands above her head and jumping a bit. Louis picked her up and rested her on his hip.

The little girl hugged him, smiling. "Come on, let's go home." Louis told her as he started walking back to his place.

The whole walk home all Louis though about was the little angel in his arms, and how he instantly fell in love with her. But, he couln't help but have this feeling that he knew this girl already. But he didn't know how? From where? Or why he had to do whatever he could to protect her, and to never leave her



When Louis had arrived back to his place the little girl was asleep in his arms. He opened the door and almost instantly, all the boys ran up to him yelling at him, asking if he got food.

Louis shushed them all, not wanting to wake the sleeping child in his arms.

They all looked at him confused, only then noticing the sleeping figure in Louis' arms.

"Um... Louis? Who's this?" Liam asked. Louis just simply shrugged and walked over to his couch. Louis sat down, gently shaking the little girl awake.

She awoke with a little yawn and looked around, curious of her new surroundings. She saw Louis and smiled, hugging him. Having all the boys coo at her actions.

She turned slightly and saw four other standing figures, looking right back at her.

"Hi sweetie." Liam said kindly. "What's your name?" he asked. She shrugged. Liam looked at Louis and he shrugged as well.

Out of nowhere, Nialls smiling, turned into an even bigger smile, then turned into laughing.

All the boys looked at him like he was crazy and Coo-Coo for cocoa puffs. But, because of his laughing, the little girl started laughing as well.

As soon as Niall had calmed down enough, he just went back to smiling as if he didn't just bust into hysterics.

"What was all that about, Niall?" Liam asked. Niall sat on the coffee table that was in front of the couch. "Just that, this cutie here and Louis could be related. Like look, they look so much alike, and even their laugh is the same."

They all looked confused for a second, wondering what was going on in their Irish friends head.

"Nialler, there could be tons of people in the world who look like me, or have the same laugh as me."

Niall shook his head. "No. how many people do you think look exactly like you? And also have the exact same laugh?" he questioned. "Probably not very many."

Louis turned the child around so that she was facing him. He looked at her completely taking in her features and appearance.

Her blonde/brown wavy hair reaching her shoulders, with bangs cut to the side. Her blueish grey eyes. Rosy cheeks and a cute little nose. Small pink lips. She had on a yellow tank-top, that had a picture of puppies playing, on it. Little denim shorts and a pair of small red TOMS.

"Do you know me? Do you know us? Are we familiar to you at all?" Louis asked and she nodded.

The little girl turned around on Louis' lap again and smiled. She pointed to each boy. "Wiam, Hawwy, NiNi, Zaynie!" she spoke with her cute little voice. Slurring a little and adding random w's in like all little kids do.

The boys looked at her shocked that she knew their names. "What's my name? Louis asked her.

She turned around smiling wider, she put her little arms around his neck hugging him, before whispering.


How was that for my first chapter? Good? Bad? Okay? I hope you liked it. And also I need name suggestions for the girl? I need someone to also be the girls mom? And also I think I need a better cover so can you guys make me one, and I'll pick the best one :) and I'll dedicate a chapter to you :)


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