Chapter 5

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Harrys POV:

When I came back downstairs from my shower, Niall and Liam were arguing over a football (A/N soccer) match on TV. Ignoring their calls for me to side with each of them. I sat down between Louis and Zayn and started watching the match.

Five minutes later Niall and Liam had shut up and turned the TV off. The four guys turned and just stared at me, Louis with a smirk on his face. Uh oh.

"So... Wanna tell us about your new girly friend?" Zayn asked elbowing me in the side.

Great! Louis had to tell them!

"She's just a friend guys, just a girl that I ran into, literally, and to make up for it I'm taking her out tomorrow." They all looked at each other then tackled me, Zayn messing up my hair and half yelling, "Awe!!! Harrys got a crush!!"

"I do not! I just want to make up for knocking the poor girl over, now shut up. I'm going to bed, we have to record stuff for the new album early tomorrow." Niall jumped off the couch running to the door. "Bye guys. Gotta get some Nandos before I head home. Oh, and Harry, you might want to change your number. Some fan got it again." And with that he was out the door and rushing to his car.

I said goodbye to rest of the lads as they decided to leave as well, and I said goodnight to Louis then headed up to bed.

Alexis' POV:

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I didn't feel like getting out of bed just yet so I ignored it. I guess whoever was there didn't want to leave though, as they started to bang on the door. I groan and get out of bed and stretch a little. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" I say as they kept banging on the door.

I'm starting to get really pissed off with whoever was at my door, I'm starting to think my door is about to break down because of how hard they are banging on it. I open my door with a glare and speak almost angrily. "Oh my freaking god! What the he-" I cut myself off as soon as I saw who it was. Instantly trying shutting the door as quickly as I could.

I tried shutting the door before he could say anything or come in but he stopped me, by putting his foot in front of it and his arm against it. He pushed the door open forcefully making me stumble back. "What are you doing here?" I asked hesitantly and took a small step back.

He takes a step towards me causing me to take another back. Every step he takes closer, I take two back. Soon my back hits the wall and my eyes widen as I look at him still approaching me. I hear him chuckle. "No more running baby" he says in a dark almost evil tone.

"What do you want? I have nothing! You've already taken everything from me! I have nothing left!" I say desperately, and fight back the tears that are threatening to spill over. He looks at me angrily "already forgotten the rules?"

I look down at the floor, not wanting to see him ever again. "Look at me!" I don't say anything and continue to look away from him. He grabs my face making me look at him. We stay like that for a little before He looks at me in disgust and turns on his feet. heading back towards the door. "Oh, and baby, I haven't taken everything way. You still have something I want, and I will get at any cost this time!" that's the last thing he says before slamming the door behind him as he leaves.

I finally let myself fall to the ground against the wall, and let the tears break the barricade and fall down my cheeks. I didn't think he would find me this time, things were going so well. It's been almost a whole year since I last saw him. And now...

I quickly get up off the floor, and run to my room grabbing my cell. I type in Harrys number thinking maybe I typed it in wrong yesterday, and I call him. It rings a few times before going to voicemail. I hear it's his voice and knows I got the right number. I call it again, and the same thing happens. I tried calling him about 7 times before giving up.

Sit on my bed with my phone in my hand, just staring at my lock screen. It's a picture of me and Shane from when we were at the park one day, she's so happy. We're sitting on the grass and she's standing on lap, looking up at me with the cutest expression, while I have my arms around her so she won't fall, I'm smiling down at her.

I unlocked my phone and called someone that I never thought I would need to again.

Louis' POV:

I woke up to Shane poking me. "Daddy. Daddy, ake up. Ake up Daddy." She kept saying. I opened my eyes and smiled at her. "Morning, princess." I sat up and picked her up holding her in my lap. She looked up at me and I realized that she was showing me, my phone. "Daddy, buzz buzz" she said as she gave it to me.

I took my phone and realized that I was getting a call. Not bothering to look at who it was I answered it. "Hello?" it was silent on the other end, thinking it was some fans freaking out with me on mute, I was about to hang up, till I heard the person on the other end whisper.

"Louis?" I was a little shocked. Why was she calling me? For the past few years every time we talked she made it clear that she didn't want anything to do with me.

"Alexis?" I said. "Why are you calling me?" I asked her, I was honestly confused as to why she was calling me. "help." Was all she said. And she sounded so broken and hurt. I became serious. "What's wrong? What happened? Where are you?" I asked as I placed Shane on the bed and I got up and started getting ready.

It was silent on the other end again. "Alexis? Alexis?! Are you still there?" I heard her sniffle and then a say a small yeah. "I-I can't tell you, I just need you to come get me. Please?!"

"Where are you?" she told me where she was and I hurried. I woke up harry telling him to watch Shane and then I left, I probably went through a red light or two, but I really didn't care.

When I get there, I rush up to where she is, I don't bother knocking on the door and go in. "Alexis?" I call. I hear a small whimper and go towards the sound. I walk into the room and run to her; I sit on the bed beside her and take her in my arms.

She tried pushing me away but I just held her closer. "Shh, shh. It's just me. I'm not going to hurt you, okay." I carefully kiss her forehead. "It's going to be okay."

After staying there like that for a few minutes, she told me everything that happened. We packed what we needed to of her stuff and then left back to my place. Promising her that I would protect her.

Harrys POV:

Louis woke me saying that I had to watch Shane because he needed to go out, he didn't say where or why though. Shane had fallen back asleep next to me, I decided to call the guys and tell them that we weren't gonna make it in to record today. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it, I noticed I had 7 calls from an unknown number; I ignored it and called the guys, notifying them we weren't coming.

Shane woke up about a half hour later and we went downstairs and just watched some TV.

We really need to go shopping for Shane; we don't have anything that she would need. I need to go out with Louis later to get her some stuff.

After about an hour, I heard the door opening and someone coming in. I heard Louis coming in but I also could hear someone else as well. "Haz?" I heard him call. I waved from the couch I was laying on, "In here, bro!"

I heard him walking into the living room towards, and I guess so did Shane. Shane ran to Louis and hugged his legs, not noticing anyone else was with him. "Where go Daddy?" I heard her ask.

The all walked into the living room and sat on the other couch. That's when I noticed who the other person was.

"Alexis?" I asked. Confused as to why she was here. Do she and Louis know each other? Did Louis know she was the girl I was telling him about somehow? ARE THEY DATING?!?! "What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"uhm, I'm gonna stay with you guys for a while." I nodded, sensing she didn't really want to say anything. But as soon as Shane heard her voice she instantly shot her head in the direction, I was scared she got whiplash from how fast she moved.

Shane instantly started squirming in Louis' arms until she got out of his grip and crawled into Alexis' lap, cuddling into her. I heard little sniffles and saw that Shane was crying. "Mommy..." Was all I heard Shane say.

Louis and I both looked at each other and I'm pretty sure we were both thinking the same thing.

Louis' exe girlfriend is the mother of his daughter, and is also the girl that I like.

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