Chapter 6

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Harrys POV

Right now I'm at Alexis's apartment getting a few things that she had said she had forgotten earlier. Louis had stopped her saying that he didn't feel comfortable with her going back after what happened, and insisted that he get it instead. I then told Louis that I would go grab whatever she needed instead, because he knew what happened and I didn't, so it would be better for him to stay with her. so here I am. 

I looked at the list that Alexis had given me,
-more clothes. Check.
-laptop with charger. Check
-make up. Check
-hair stuff. Check
And uhm... I groan to myself. She wants me to get her... feminine hygiene products.... Why did she have to put that on the list?

I trudge back into the bathroom and reluctantly grab them, then check the list again making sure that I get everything that was on it.

I get all the stuff that was on the list and a few other things that I thought she might want, and I throw it all into a bag that I had found while on my little scavenger hunt around her apartment.

As I'm just putting the last of the stuff into the bag and I'm doing it up, I hear the door of her apartment opening. Unsure of who it was that had just entered her apartment, I try to stay as quiet as I can. Not wanting to be found out. I slowly pick up the bag and walk closer to the door of the room I'm in, trying to see if I can spot who had entered. But by doing this I didn't realize that I didn't have the bag completely done up and as I stood up and started moving, something had fallen out of the bag, landing loudly on the floor. 

I hear the footsteps coming closer to the room I'm in and the door abruptly opens. Some guy that looked a few inches shorter than me stood there staring at me, well more like glaring at me. He had partially tanned skin, and blonde/brown hair. He had a lip piercing, an eyebrow piercing, and I could see quite a few tattoos.

He didn't look too friendly.

"Who that fuck are you!" he asked, not so kindly. I awkwardly clear my throat and stand up. "uhm, Harry. who are you?" I respond, trying to be friendly. 

"what are you doing here. Harry?" he said ignoring my previous question and seethed out my name. He had a look on his face like he had decided that he already hated me. "uhm, just getting some stuff for Alexis. She wanted to stay with me for a couple nights cause shes my friend and I haven't seen her in a while but she forgot a couple things and I had offered to grab them for her." I said quickly, avoiding the actual reason why she was with us and also trying to get away from this guy as quick as i could. Still not knowing exactly who he was.

I tried made my way to the door so I could leave but he stepped in the way and blocked me with his body. I cleared my throat and avoided his eyes when looking at him, I don't know why I felt the need to avoid looking him directly in the eyes. I've only just met him and I'm already intimidated by him. "Excuse me" I said, my voice cracking in in between the two words. He looked at me and smirked and then he started to chuckle a little. "I scare you already?" He said between chuckles. When I didn't respond he stopped and just looked at me, I felt like he was looking into my soul. "Answer me!" 

I numbly nodded and I hate to say that I was trembling a little. Okay maybe a little more than a little. I hated to admit that I was scared of him. I  felt threatened by him, and I didn't even know who he was, I'm pathetic..

"Who are you?" I asked him again, unsure of what else I could do. "Luke." He replied. "And what are you doing here?" I decided to ask him the same thing that he had asked of me moments before.

"This is my girlfriends apartment. Do I really need a reason to be here" I nodded "oh." was all i could say. After that he had finally stopped staring me down and slightly stepped to the side, I took the opportunity to finally leave and all but ran back out to my car. 

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