Chapter 3

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Chapter three


"Alexis, please! I still love you!" I say to her, as I have repeated that same phrase for the hundredth no thousandth time in the past few years. As I am talking to my ex-girlfriend.

I still don't know why she left almost three years ago, but I still love her and want her back. Both her and our daughter.

I would give anything to see my little girl, other than in pictures Alexis sends me. I usually got one every week.

I did almost a cross between a huff and a sigh as she rejected me, again. "Can you at least let me see her? You keep saying how she always asks about me, so why don't you let me see her? Just for a day, or even a few hours at least. Please, I want to be a part of her life, I want her to know who her father is!"

I hear her sigh on the other end of the line, and shuffling meaning that she is moving around. "No Louis. She is a part of your life already by me sending you pics and telling you about her. I wasn't planning on doing that. And you may want to be a part of her li- Shane Elizabeth I told you not to go near there. Please go play in the living room with Luke." I heard her tell our daughter.

Just by her saying another guys name hurt. Just knowing that my daughter would grow up calling someone other than me Daddy.

"Sorry about that, Louis" her voice took me from my thought. "As I was saying, you may want her to be a part of your life, and she wants you to be as well. But, I don't want you to be. You're going to end up leaving her one day, and I don't want her to go through that."

"How do you know I'm going to leave her? What makes you think th-"I got cut off before I could finish. "You always do." She told me.

I hold one of the pictures that I have of Shane, and look at it hoping I can finally see her one day. "Please Alexis! I promise I've changed! I'm not like that any-"

"NO Louis!!" she cut me off. "I don't care. You're not seeing her and that's final! Now, I have to go. I'll talk to you later."

"Wait Alexis please I can prove it to you! I can prove that I've..." she hung up. "changed." I finished quietly...


I wake up and move my arm over to where my little princess was sleeping, and felt that the spot was empty. I opened my eyes seeing that she in fact wasnt there.

Panic, concern, worry, and fear instantly washed over me. I turned on my light and saw that she wasn't even in my room at all.

I quickly got out of bed and ran as fast as I could down the hall. "Harry! Harry, have you seen sha-"I cut myself off as I saw one of the cutest things.

I leaned against the wall, watching as Harry was dancing around the room with Shane. She had a big smile on her face, and she was giggling everytime harry spun her around.

As quick as I could, I went back to my room and grabbed my phone. Going back out, I opened up the camera, and took a few photos, and a small video or two. Opening up twitter after, I posted them on there with the caption 'I think Mr. Styles has gone all soft on us.' And 'great dancing baby Tommo!'

After I did that I put my phone down on the coffee table and interrupted them.

"Hey, hey, hey! Where's my dance?" I asked jokingly. Shane laughed and got out of Harrys grip and ran into my arms yelling "Daddy!!"

We all danced around goofily with her for a good half hour, before Shane said she was hungry.

Going into the kitchen, I got out bowls and spoon for all three of us, and just made us some cereal for breakfast.

The boys cam over again just as we were finishing eating. Again they started bugging me about how we had no food. So, Harry volunteered to go out for us and get some.

"Louis, where is my beanie? If you want me to go pick up some food then I need my hat back!" Harry yelled with a laugh.

I got up from my chair at the table with Shane and grabbed his beanie off the couch. He came running down the stairs towards the front door, while putting his jacket on. I threw him his hat as he put his boots on and left the house.

Harrys POV:

When I got to the grocery store the parking lot was almost empty except for a few trucks and a beat up old car.

I'm glad because now I don't have to worry as much about being mobbed by fan. Don't get me wrong, I love the fans and all that. Just some days I like to go about my day as a normal non-famous person.

I entered the store and immediately grabbed a shopping cart, knowing Louis and I, we go through allot of food and when the boys are over almost every day. Plus, now we also have another belly to feed.

As fast as I could, because I just wanted to get home, I got everything that we would need and want, and paid for it and exited the store. While turning a corner towards the lot I suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry, I really didn't mean t-" she started to apologize but I cut her off. "It's fine, love. It wasn't your fault."

I helped her up off the ground and when she was stable on her feet, I noticed that a piece of her hair was hanging down so I tucked it behind her ear. "See all good. Now what's your name beautiful?"

"Uhm, A-Alexis." She said and a little blush covered her cheeks when I called her beautiful.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm harry, how about I make up for knocking you down by taking you out for a coffee some time?"

She shyly looked at the ground, then back up at me shyly with a bit of shock. "Y-you're uhm, H-Harry S-St-Styles, from On-One Direction" she stumbled to say. I chuckled and smiled at her. "Yeah, I am. So about that coffee date? What do you say?"

"Yeah, uhm, sure. I'd love to" she replied with a smile.

I took a pen from my pocket and gently took her arm and wrote my number on it. She did the same to my arm after. After that we both said goodbye and went our ways.

When I got back home, I entered the house to see Shane asleep on Louis' lap, while he watched TV. I put all the groceries away before joining him on the couch.

"What's up with you bro? Why you got that crazy stupid grin?" Louis asked, sounding half joking and half with fake concern.

"Nothing, I just met someone while shopping." Was my simple response to his question? "Ooooh, it's a girl isn't it? Omg! I'm making you nervous just by talking about this. Look you're blushing" he says and pokes my cheek. "Omg! You like her!"

I rolled my eyes and very slightly blushed. "Whatever Lou, just shut up" I laughed

"Haha okay, ill stop bugging you about it, for now. Just wait till the boys get back from McDicks. They will be back in about a half hour." He told me. But were they that hungry that theyre couldn't wait ten minutes and they had to go to McDonalds.

I didnt say anything after that, I just nodded my head, as we continued to watch TV while waiting for all of the guys to come back from getting breakfast for themselves.

But all I could really think about was Alexis, and how I couldn't wait to see her again.

A/N: sorry took a while to write this chapter, i stopped half way. so most of this chapter was done by my bestffriend Alexis :) so you have her to thank for this chapter.

well hope you enjoyed it :)


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