Alec's POV

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"Where are they?" I shout, maybe a little bit loud but it never came to mind until Hodge gave me an unappreciated  look.

"Alec, there is no need to raise your voice, I'm not that far away" he smiled, his eyes scanning the books in front of him.

"Yeah, right, sorry Hodge" I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck with my sweaty palm. "But where are they?" I asked once again.

"I sent them to see the silent brothers. Now, I can't remember which one exactly, but they all look the same, so it doesn't really matter, does it?" A smirk spread across his face as I felt mine light up a bright red.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" I shouted, walking in front of him and snatching the book from under his hands. "Why does no one decide to tell me anything in this house?" I mumble to myself, but loud enough for Hodge to hear.

His face was disgruntled as he glanced at my hands, which still had his book between them. "If you would?" He said sternly, holding his hand out towards me.

"And why should I?" I questioned. I know I'm no match for Hodge, but I'm sick of people like Hodge, and everyone else in this dammed institute.

"You know, I'm not much competition for you Alec. I really wouldn't try anything" he warned, an eyebrow raised.

"You know what, I'm sick of being the 'weak one' in this place! And I'm definitely not going to be told what to do by some good-for-nothing old man who's scared of even leaving his own house!"

"You have one more chance to pass me that book" Hodge said in a calm, yet daring tone as he stared at me, his eyes sharp as a smirk grew on his mouth once again.

"Or what?" I regrettably ask. It all happened so quick that I didn't realise what had occurred until I was flung over his shoulder, and landed hard on the wooden floor, the breath knocked out of me as I wheezed in pain. Hodge, smiling, knelt down next to me and picked up his book, which now lay by my side.

"You can't say I didn't warn you" he chanted in a light voice as he stood up, and almost skipped away from me, laughing to himself. As he left the room, I slump my head heavily back onto the floor in defeat, creating pain, but the thought of it slipped my mind, and stared at the ceiling. The institute was a beautiful place, it really was. It was magnificent, even. And the books! Well, there was definitely plenty. Enough to last a lifetime. Yet, I don't think I've even read that many of them, maybe not even ten.

After time went by, I slowly sit up, and, with a dizzy head and the world an evidential blur, I hear a faint voice in the background, and tune to see Izzy.

"Wow" she exclaimed, a smile across her face, "it looks like you had a great time here. Do I want to know what you got up to?" She joked as she strutted past me, picking up one of the books on Hodge's desk and studying it.

"You're not even that funny, you know" I smiled, pulling myself up and walking towards her.

"Well, I do try" she laughed, looking back to face me. "So, what actually happened?"

"Nothing really, just Hodge being a know-it-all. The usual"

"I see. He beat you again didn't he?"


"Don't worry, you'll get there one day" her smile reassuring as she came over and gave me a hug. "Anyway, enough with the sentimental stuff, you want to come hunt something? I've been dying to try out the new knives father brought me back from Idris, but I've never had the chance. And I heart of some rogue demons causing trouble down towards Taki's, Kaelie told me, actually".

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