Isabelles POV

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we all arrive at the institute about half an hour later, to see our mother standing at the large doors.

"Where have you been" she eyed us all up. She could always tell when we were lying, her eyes never missed anything. Maybe that's why we never get away with anything.

"We went to pandemonium, like I told you before" I answered before anyone else, smiling, I look towards her. Alec and Jace's clothes were splattered with black, gooey demon blood, but my dress was as good as new. Alec looked at me-angry

"How you always manage to keep your clothes clean is a wonder to me" he muttered jealously under his breath.

Ignoring him, I turn to walk into the institute, looking behind me I smile at Alec. He's a good person, he's just a bit shy. I turn my head to see, jace and mother deep in conversation.

"So this girl, she didn't have any runes? Warlock symbols? Demon features?" Asked mother wonderingly.

"No" jace replied agitated "she just looked like a plain, normal mundane. I'll go tell hodge and see what he has to say" and at that he ran down a corridor, taking long strides.


As soon as I get to my room, I go straight into the bathroom and look in the mirror. A pink fluffy boa hung over the top, obviously, and the image slightly blurred due to my laziness of cleaning. I stripped my clothes-carefully folding my long dress, and hop into the shower. The water was cold but refreshing as it ran down my body. I let the water cover me as I thought about today's experiences. Never had that happened to us before, but I hope we can find the girl. I was always the only girl in a group of boys, always. When they went hunting, I had trodden along in my high heeled 'demon stomping boots' as the boys liked to call them. its was great to be in a fight,and to get into the fighting zone but after all I was a girl and it would be nice to have another girl around, I think. Hopping out of the shower I whipped on a pair of skinny jeans and a grey tank top, comfy clothes compared to my usual gear.

I found my way to the sitting room to find jace reading, what could he possibly be reading?

"So what did Hodge say?" I asked, obviously scaring his as he looked up at my with a scowl. What does he always scowl?

"I'm going to look for her tomorrow" he replied startled, then began reading again. Rude.

"Can I come? I hate being the only girl in this place! It sucks!"

"You have your mother" he pointed out, smirking, "and I'd rather do this alone. I work better alone"

"Well that's totally not true"

"Well I work better than you, so I don't think you should be saying anything".

At that i got up giving jace a dirty look. He always knew how to be the jackass of the family. I looked around the big room, my eyes scanning the table tops, searching for my book, but with no luck I decided to give up. Even though i had lived here my whole life, i always found beauty in the institute. The way the walls were engraved with runes, and the big stained glass windows on either side of the room. I always wondered how long it had been here, the institute, but no one really knew. It was said the institute was the first building in New York- which was pretty impressive.

"Well if you won't let me help in going to bed" I yawned, got up and walked to the door, looking back I yelled

"Don't do anything stupid" and he replied with.

"As if I would do that".

Laughing I walked to my room and lay on my hot pink bedspread. As soon as I lay down I drifted to a sleepless dream, with the darkness washing over me.

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