Clary's POV

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"Magnus Bane. Magnus Bane" I repeat to myself, my voice nothing more than a whisper.  "Where have I heard that name before? It sounds is familiar, yet I can't remember anything about it"

"Maybe you're just going crazy" Jace smirked, walking along side me in the busy streets leading up to the institute.

"Very funny" I frowned at him, "you know, you're quite the joker"

"Well, what can I say? It comes naturally" his smirk lob sided across his face as his golden hair shone under the bright sunlight. His golden eyes gleamed like diamonds, standing out for all the world to see. He really was the golden boy, but maybe not in every sense.

"Hey, what time is this party thing then? Do you think it'll help with my memories?"

"How should I know?" He said, turning to walk into the institute. Artfully dodging the odd mundane. "You'll have to ask Izzy, she keeps up with all the downworlder gossip, especially with that faerie she's got a thing for. What was his name again? It begins with an 'm', I'm sure. But that doesn't matter. She'll know the time. As for your memories, I can't really say anything, it's not my speciality" and at that he turned away and left me standing outside the big wooden door all alone. The door rose higher than I could imagine, and looked as though it kept rising into the clouds, with the big wooden frame towering over me. With a slow jog into the corridors as an attempt to keep up, I bump into someone tall and frail. Someone who's definitely not the strongest person here, but could also be mistaken for a weak one. Simon. His dark curls framing his face as he looks relived to see me. His clothes looking old and tattered and his shoes look like they're about to fall off.

"Clary, you're okay!" He said, startling me whilst embracing me in one of his usual big hugs. For a while, I don't say anything and neither does he. we just hug for a long time as we squeeze each other tighter and I smell nothing but home and comfort. Simon. After what seemed like forever, he lets go and looks down to me, a hand under my chin to push my face up to look at him.

"Did anything serious happen? Are you okay" his voice was stern and serious as his eyes scanned my face, probably looking for any chance of me lying.

"Hey, I'm okay" I smiled back up at him, "just a little freaked out, that's all. Have you seen those silent brothers? Man they're freaky!" I laugh, smiling as he joined in.

"I have not, in fact, seen a silent brother yet, but I wait eagerly for a formal introduction" he smiled a big cheesy smile, making me laugh even more.

"You're so goofy" I smile, looking at his lips curbing into a good, honest hearted smile. Something that you couldn't fake, even if you tried.

"Hey, as long as you're okay" he laughed, embracing me with a smaller hug, "I don't mind being goofy at all". Letting go and linking his arm to mine, we walk down the cold corridors towards the sound of distant voices.
"She wants to what?" Was all I heard as we trotted towards the library, a loud voice screaming all around us rose to a sharp pitch, cutting our ears with every note attached. I give a desperately clueless look towards Simon, who returned it almost too familiarly with added concern. Walking around the corner I can now see Isabelle, Alec and Jace standing in a huddle coming into focus. All three pairs of eyes were focused on us as a look of disbelief flooded their faces.

"I hope we're not interrupting" I mumbled too quietly.

"and why would you care?" Isabelle scowled.

"Isabelle! Where are your manners?" Alec warned, looking sternly at his sister then shooting me and apologetic look, his eyes shining as I nodded my head in acceptance.

"Well, since I don't have any, I guess I should start acting like it!" She stormed out of the room, flinging me too one side like a rag doll as she passed. Pain shot through my body as I find myself heaped in a lump on the floor. White hot pain spreading from my neck as I cried in pain.

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