Clary's POV

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When I say I've never been to a party, I don't mean that little get together between friends sharing someone's bottle of cheap vodka, I mean I've never been to a proper party. One with style or class. One where I could be someone I wasn't, even just for the night. One like this. And I was speechless. Bright lights blinked furiously around, almost blinding me with such a force I had to cover them in fear, but only for a moment. I couldn't miss this. A magnificent water fountain rose easily 12ft into the air, the water flowing effortlessly towards the ground, then disappearing in large clouds of smoke. Like magic. Well, it was magic. Leaves entwined around chairs and tables, and hung overhead, with beautiful flowers that changed colours. Reds turned to oranges, which turned to greens which turned to blues. Mesmerising. My mouth was unable to comprehend the things before me. I was surly frozen in time. Yet the people around me carried on with their lives like they didn't notice the beautiful surroundings. Like they were used to it, and it had become kind of boring to them. Like they saw this sort of thing every single day. And for that, I was jealous. But the people were a different story. Pastel coloured wings fluttered in every direction, and horns rose among heads, the highest always being the proudest person. The one standing tall. Pale blue skin and giant brown bat ears swooped past, just long enough to let me get a glance. To let my eyes wander over the dark blue freckles dotted across her face. Or every single elegant hairs on his overlarged animal ears. Or the translucent paleness of wing after wing. It was truly magnificent. Something I don't think I'll ever be able to forget, no matter how hard I tried. And I didn't want to.

"Right" Isabelle spoke, breaking me out of my trance so suddenly I must have jumped, as pairs of eyes strayed in my direction, "we need to find Magnus" her eyes lingered on me for a second, a bemused look playing on her lips, "you know, you don't have to look that shocked". She smiled, obviously she saw me jump.

"It's just amazing" I mumble back, still in somewhat of a hallucination. She laughed to her self, and stalked across the room to talk to her brother, who's expression was also rather bored, whilst I took it upon myself to talk to Simon. I mean, he had to be freaked about about this too, right? He had to be even more freaked out then me. Already I've already had a glimpse of this world, it's all new to Simon. Every last bit. And sure enough he was. His already pale face has managed to turn an even lighter shade, and his mouth fell open against his chin. I could only laugh at how gormless he looked, but I hope I didn't look like that when I was so transfixed. At least his chubby cheeks and dark eyes made him look cute; I would have looked like an angry toddler.

"Dude" I giggled, nudging into him as I went past. He returned a cold stare, which broke in under thirty seconds and was replaced by pure terror.

"What is this?!" He mumbled angrily towards me, his eyes wider then I've ever seen them before. "What the hell is all of this? Seriously Clary I don't belong in this place, and neither do you. I think we should be leaving" he grabbed my arm and started to pull me towards the exit, but let go when I squirmed enough. What was he doing? Didn't he understand why I was doing this?

"No Simon" I looked at him sternly, "I have to do this. You don't understand. This is my only chance at getting my memories and my mother back, and if this Bane can help, then that's what I have to do. You need to understand that. You're free to go, please, I don't want to keep you here any longer than convenient, but please go quietly. And don't expect me to follow. I have to do this".

His face was flushed with a red blush as his eyes looked me over, judging me. This wasn't the Simon I knew. The Simon I knew was kind and thoughtful. He'd help an old woman cross the street or collect food to give to that homeless man on 24th. But this Simon was ice. His stare sending a vicious chill right through me.

"Fine, but don't expect me to follow you. I'm done with all of this and with you Clary. Everything's too complicated. I deserve a normal teenage life, I don't want to be dragged into all of this...this nonsense" He looked me over once again, his eyes deep in thought or regret, and headed for the bar, probably attempting to get someone's attention with compulsive drinking or whatever. And it must have worked, for not a second later I saw Izzy strutting over, her dark hair fell down her back and shone in the bright lights. They were deep in conversation by the time I'd turned my back, and my heart broke a little more.

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