Isabelle's POV

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"I'm not wearing this" clary yelled, resulting me to only laugh. What was she going to where? Her old mundane jeans? Hardly party material, and plus, that's one of my new dresses. I should take insult in that. But I guess I won't. I know not to insult new guests until after at least a week of their visit, my mother told me dearly.

"It suits you" I smile, turning away to pull a long pair of boots out of the wardrobe. I hold them up towards her, which she instantly shakes her head at. Her red curls bouncing across her face as she looked at me with what could only be described as disgust.

"I can't wear those!" She yelled, "I'll look like a stripper! Plus, this dress is like a second skin!"

"Careful, those are my clothes" I warn, "and you can't go to a downworlder party dressed like your mundane self, you'll not get within 10ft of Magnus Bane. I can assure you that"

"But, don't you have anything else? This is a top, for goodness sake"

"It's a dress" I sigh, grabbing a slim black dress for me, and wriggling myself into it, "I'm so jealous of you. I couldn't pull that off without a bra, your lucky"

"I don't think lucky is the word you're looking for" she mumbled, obviously thinking I couldn't hear, but I let it pass.

"So" I smile, getting up and sitting behind her. I take her luscious curls in one hand and wind them around one another, in a way my mother taught me years ago, but something I've never forgotten. "How are you liking this magical world? Bit weird, huh?"

"Yeah, you could say that" she smiled back, but her face turned suddenly. "I need to ask you something. Have you and Jace ever..." She started but I cut her off almost immediately. I was pretty sure she wasn't that stupid.

"What! No way" I laughed, still working my fingers through her hair. It really was hard to work with, "Jace is like my brother, I've known him for years, I've hunted with him for years. I couldn't see him as anything more than my brother. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering" she mumbled to herself. She had a habit of that. Quiet, shy, unheard. It is annoying, I must admit, but maybe I'm just not used to being around shy girls. Not really part of our family.

"You like him, don't you" I teased, smiling as her face came to a sharp blush.

"What? No!" She detested almost immediately, making my giggle even more. "I'm just thinking, he's got a right chip on his shoulder. I don't know how anyone would find such cases of arrogance attractive"

"He does these things for a reason. You would have a chip on your shoulder too, if you saw your own father murdered at such a young age. I can't blame him really. Although his arrogance does come from his big head"

"Oh" she gulped, and I immediately regretted making such a small being feel bad. She wasn't that bad after all. Maybe she'd grow on me. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I highly doubt he'd like me anyhow"

"And why do you say that?"

"Because I'm not pretty"

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I glanced my eyes over her. "Pretty isn't what defines you, it's what's inside that counts. I was once afraid to love. Afraid to give myself to someone, and for it to end in a broken heart, but I've learned I shouldn't let my fears over come me. Although, I haven't dated a proper boy in such a long time" I let my hands now fall from her head, and direct her gave towards the mirror standing in front of us, "see? You look pretty!"

A small smile grew as she looked to the floor, crinkles on the edge of her eyes. She turned to face me, and smiled once again, and for some reason it made my heart melt. It made me feel warm, and actually felt that I shouldn't be ashamed of being so nice. Maybe a little bit of nice is okay once in a while. Maybe it would make me nice.

"So tell me" she perched on the edge of my bed, "what do you mean by 'a proper boy'?? Is that some sort of shadow hunter slang?"

"No, it means exactly that. The last shadow hunter I dated was a long time ago, in fact, I can't even remember his name. No, I refer those of a sense of abnormality. Something I can accept, and ponder with"

"And?" She awaited eagerly. Why was this girl so interested?

"Well, the last boy I sort-of-dated was a a faerie, named Meliorn. He was tall, dark, and handsome, to say the least. We connected so well, and I guess that's because we arnt meant to be" my voice dropped as the flashing images of Meliorn flew through my brain. Laughing, and kissing. Dancing, and hugging. They scared my brain as I winced slightly. I didn't want to remember. "But, as I said" I began again, "it was not meant to be"

Without saying a word, Clary leaped from the bed and embraced me tightly. And suddenly I felt a connection. This girl isn't as bad as she seems, maybe I'll see her as my sister one day. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

"Anyway" I brake the hug, standing up and strutting towards the mirror, "it does me no good to cry. We must be gone, the party starts soon. And plus, we don't want you in those heels any longer than we have too."

A smile erupted on her face as we linked arms, I slid my stele into my pocket in one quick motion, and we marched out of the door. Together. As one.
"Don't you look pretty" Jace's eyes examined Clarys body, and I felt a sudden urge to protect her. To protect her from the eyes I've seen examine millions of girls bodies daily. The hungry expression did it for me, as I stepped in front of clary, whirling her from Jace's view. He may be my brother, but it was disgusting. Boys were disgusting. Except maybe Simon, he hand that cute thing going on. Dorky, but cute. "What are you doing" his voice was sharp, and full of anger as he saw Alex come behind me, and forsake clary into some conversation, followed by cute smiles, and maybe even a blush. I smiled to myself, glancing at Alec, the turned abruptly towards Jace. They needed their privacy.

"Doing what needs to be done" I sighed, and started down the corridor, dragging Jace behind me in protest. "We'll meet you outside in five minutes" I called back, without turning around, and could already feel the awkward a blushes. Alec was going to kill me, but it'd be worth it! He deserved to be happy.

"Where are you going? What about..." Simon started, as we met him walking towards us, but I cut him off momentarily.

"They're fine, just grabbing extra daggers" a smirk hit my lips as his brown curls flicked over his face, and his dark eyes pierced something inside of me. "And you're coming with me" I teased, strutting away fast, still dragging the golden boy behind me. I heard a slight murmur, a stumble of feel and a fast passing breath behind me, getting closer rather quickly. Simon. I knew he'd follow. He's too cute not to, and plus, it'll do him no good sulking over clary, and it wouldn't hurt for me to get in there, would it? Although, mundanes do tend to be frowned upon. With a smile, I walk towards the weapons room, my mind prepping itself for the night to come. One could only imagine the things that could happen at legendary Magnus Bane party, and I've heard all the tales. But something inside me says it'll be worth it. Something I'm never going to be able to do again. With butterfly's gliding inside my stomach, I walk ahead, my head held high. I was a shadow hunter. No time for guilt or love. Duty always came first. Always.
Very small chapter, but something at least.
Koolaidcrusade x

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