He helps you with your cheer stretched

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Zayn: "No Zayn not like that!" You laughed as he tried to help you stretch for your stunts before practice. You were a competitive cheerleader, one of the best flyers on the team. Your coach had told you to get ready for the scorpian one man stunt. Zayn said he wanted to help you get it perfect. He had you right leg in his hand and you kept telling him to push it up to your hands so you could grab it. "Babe, I don't want to hurt you!" "Your not going to hurt me! I've don't this all my life. Now just push my damn leg up!" You yelled getting annoyed. It was nice, him wanted to help, he just had no idea what to do leaving you basically doing things by yourself anyway.

Niall: "How does that not hurt?" Niall asked as you practiced your bow and arrow, "I wanna try" he giggled as he stood up bringing his leg as high as he could, making him fall backwards onto the floor. "Niall! Are you alright?" You muffled a laugh behind your lips before moving to his aid. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" he chuckled, "I just don't understand how you do those things!" He rubbed the back of his neck shaking his head. You understood why he was so confused because you were actually very flexible, almost abnormally if anybody didn't know you. "Well," You said bringing your leg all the way up to his shoulder, "you could always help me?" You said with a smirk that he caught onto quickly. That night, your flexibility was being put to the test, by Niall...

Harry: "Now push down on my back, not too hard though." You instructed your boyfriend. "I know Y/N, you do this every night.." He mumbled. You were sitting on the floor of your bedroom with your legs spread far apart, trying to flatten out your back and touch your chest to the ground. "Okay, that's good." You said. Each night you tried to get your chest further and further, tonight being the furthest you've gotten. "Why must you stretch every night?" He asked curiously. "Because, Harry while you go slave away in the studio, I go to cheer practice and slave away there." You had detailed this many times for him before, he just didn't get it. "But like, you do stretched there, so why do you need to do them here?" You moved so now your legs were together and he began pushing on your back once more. "So I can be good! And prove something to my bitch of a coach. Swear, she hates me." "Now love, who would hate you?" He said with a sarcastic tone. "Your such and ass Harry." "I know, but you love me." He laughed and lay on the bed waiting for you to be done with your stretches.

Louis: You sat with your legs spread, across Louis who was mirroring you. Your hands gripped his as he pulled your upper body closer to the ground. "Thanks for helping me again Lou" You smiled. "Sure thing! Besides I like to watch you stretch!" "Oh and whys that?" "So I can stare at your ass, or your breasts, which look great now by the way." You laughed sitting up, meeting the playful glint in his eyes. "Well then why don't you start stretching?" "Why? I don't have to do any flips or anything?" He asked puzzled. "It's only fair!" You laughed, "You can stare at my tits and ass, then I want to see you stretching so I can check out your ass too Lou!" Your minds both ran off into a fit of laughter. "Well then, I guess that is only fair. Gots to keep my lady proud!" he said in a southern accent making you laugh even more.

Liam: To say that Liam was by your side as you stretched and worked out for cheer was and understatement. Being the fit and most sensible, he worked out a calender of all the stretches you would do, all the foods you would eat leading up to the day of competition. "Li, are you sure about this? It looks kinda hard." you were referencing the piece of paper that held today's stretches. "Yeah babe of course! You'll be fine!" Throughout the day Liam would push and push until you did it right. 'He just had to pick the most difficult today..' you thought as he handed you a bottle of water. "Um, Y/N?" "Yeah?" You replied still panting from the exercise. "Why don't we just throw out that calender. I feel like I'm pushing you too hard." "No Liam you can leave the calender up, let's just modify a few days, yeah?" you said pecking his lips trying not to sound as relieved as you really were on the inside. "'Course babe. Anything for you" He smiled and took down the calender, modifying the days to what you felt were appropriate.

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