He has a nightmare

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Harry: You're awoken by the tossing of the bed, sheets being kicked off. You role onto your back to find Harry sitting up, tugging at his curls and you rub your eyes. "What's wrong?" you question sleepily, watching as he turns to you. "Just a nightmare, go back to sleep" he says, clearly shaken from whatever he'd dreamed of and you know you won't sleep until he does. "Lay down" you tell him, leaning back so he can cuddle into your side before you start running your fingers through his hair gently. It takes several minutes, maybe an hour, before his breathing has evened out against your chest and you allow yourself to close your eyes.

Liam: "Fuck... not, no... take me" you hear from beside you, bring you out of your sleepy haze and into the land of the living. "Take me" you hear again, and now you're awake. Your heart drops, glancing around before you notice Liam tossing and turning beside you. "Please" he begs, eyes snapping open as he gasps for breath and you stare at him with wide eyes. "Nightmare?" you ask and he nods, curling up behind you while taking several deep breaths. "We were at some resort and these men came in and tried to take you and Niall and I... there wasn't anything I could do" he tells you and you smile, leaning down to kiss his knuckles until his breath evens out.

Niall: You wake up the sound of Niall gasping for breath, rolling over to sit up quickly and rub his bare back. "What's wrong?" you ask, watching as he shakes his head for a minute. "I... there was a great white and it was after me and I couldn't out swim it" he cried against your shoulder, pulling you closer before laying down beside you. "Maybe, no more Jaws before bed?" you ask and he nods. You rubs his back until he's asleep again before your closing your eyes to fall back asleep.

Louis: You wake up to your boyfriend's arm smacking you across the face. "What the hell!" You shout as Louis tosses to the other side of the bed, a worried look on his face. "Lou wake up!" You say shaking him. "No!" He shouts as you continue to shake him. He opens his eyes panting, out of breath, at what had just happened. He looks at you and grabs you. "Holy shit, I thought you were gone," he says still panting. "Where did I go?" You ask him confused. "Down into the ocean," he answers. "What?" You inquire. "Yeah I was trying to hold onto you, but you let go and went down into the ocean," he explains. You burst out laughing as he hangs his head. "No more watching Titanic for you," you say. "Not to mention, I think you broke my nose."

Zayn: You watch him as his face winces. He had fallen asleep on the couch and was obviously having a terrible time in whatever dream it was he was having. You didn't feel the need to wake him so you continued to watch his face turn to fear. He jerks and hits the floor. You cover your mouth so he can't see you smile as he jolts awake. "You alright?" You say as you can't help but giggle. He glares at you, "Shut up."

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