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Hello! Thank you for clicking on my fanfiction; by doing so I assume you are, like me, deep within Ereri hell. And if you're new, welcome! Enjoy your stay - I assure you, it's a very difficult thing to get out of. But don't worry, we have loads of fanfic, fanart, doujins, etc. to keep you occupied!

The idea of this story was one I woke up one morning with swarming around in my head, and my brain wouldn't allow me to discard it into the (rather large and growing) pile of discarded story ideas, likely to be recycled later. It's not a pretty one - I can assure you of that right away. But alas, while it'll be filled with angst (I don't think I've ever written anything that hasn't been), I have a plan for these gay losers and I hope you enjoy the ride~

I can't guarantee regular updates as I'm working on several fics at once right now on top of a lot of other stuff going on in life, but because writing is my salvation (haha, get it?), it's something I can't go a day without doing, I'll do my best to keep updates as regular and frequent as possible. It's the same for my fic Paper Airplanes, but if you've been keeping up with that, you already know that.

And lastly, I wanna mention a few people who've been super supportive in my writing and are overall just really great people - BrightEyesEren (amazing Ereri stories), Kattalee (also amazing Ereri, and I believe she'll be writing some Haikyuu!! stuff too!), kingofhellordoftime (who you can find on tumblr and Instagram under the same username), and a special shoutout to Deafening__Silence because her absolutely beautiful story Idiosyncratic was part of the inspiration for this story.

Thanks, guys! Enjoy~!♥

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