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So I actually finished this chapter in one day?? Which is weird because I don't think that's ever happened x'D Also, it kinda hurts. So... *showers everyone in tissues*


The succeeding week followed essentially the same pattern. Eren's anxieties about Levi leaving continued to grow, just as he continued to push them away, to force himself not to think about it, and tried to enjoy what little time they had remaining.

It was only about a week after Eren dropped the question about Levi being scared to go - only a day before Petra told Levi he needed to make a decision - when they got some news. The two had been sitting up in their room after dinner one evening, sidled up to each other on Levi's bed talking aimlessly when Petra knocked and gently pushed the door open, greeting them both with a small smile.

"Hey, boys," she said, perching herself on the edge of Eren's bed as the two sat up at full attention. "Levi, I've got some news."

"What is it?" Levi asked as Eren's heart jumped into his throat; he did everything he could not to show his fear on his face.

"I was just checking your enrollment status for DAU-" (the school with the good music program, Eren recalled) "-and...unfortunately, you're on the waitlist."

Eren's eyes automatically flicked to Levi's face to see his reaction. While his outward expression remained virtually impassive, his eyes showed a spark of surprise. Whether he was disappointed or not, though, Eren couldn't tell.

"So I didn't technically get in?" he asked.

"I suppose that's one way of putting it. You're first on the waitlist, though. So if a spot opens up, it's yours. I don't know how likely it is for that to happen, though," she explained with a sympathetic expression. "Sorry, kiddo."

Levi shook his head. "It's alright. Not your fault. Thanks for letting me know."

"Of course. We'll try again next semester if it doesn't work out." She smiled, rising to her feet. "By the way, the others want to watch a movie soon. You two are welcome to join." With that, she departed the room once more.

Levi sunk back against his pillows again with a small sigh, stretching his legs out and folding his arms behind his head.

"Are you okay, Levi?" Eren asked softly, frowning as he, too, laid back alongside him.

"Fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

The brunet shrugged. "Because of the news...I just thought you'd be disappointed."

"No big deal. It's not like that's officially where I decided to go, anyway."

Eren pressed his lips together, merely watching the other. He knew Levi would never admit to it, but he was fairly certain the raven had wanted to go there. He had wanted to take advantage of the money and that music program. He was disappointed, if even just a little.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Eren asked.

"Pick a different school, I guess. Probably ANU."

"Which one is that?"

"The closest one."

"...oh." Suddenly, Eren could no longer look at him and reverted his attention to his hands where they fidgeted with the edge of the pillowcase. A terrible, deafening silence filled the room, and after several long moments, Eren couldn't stand it anymore.

"Can I ask you something?"


"You're not just gonna pick ANU because of me, are you?"

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