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Eren's eyes were glued to the gray speckled carpet beneath his feet as he waited for the door to open. The only thing keeping him from psyching himself out and booking it back down the hall was the weight of the violin case still in his hands, where his fingers were wrapped so tightly around the handle that his knuckles were white and aching mildly. Save for a few voices trailing from down the hall, all he could hear was the relentless thudding of his pulse between his ears.

He wouldn't admit it, but he jumped when the door finally did swing open. His eyes darted upwards to the one filling the doorway. Upon seeing his face, Eren's heart immediately stuttered and his stomach did an awkward flop.

It had only been about two weeks, but it was as if Levi was more beautiful than his memory could possibly have done justice. His hair was shiny, his skin smooth and still that warm shade of ivory Eren loved. He wore a simple black t-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans, his feet tucked neatly into a pair of familiar black converse, indicating that he'd likely been about to leave. A mild, confused frown sat upon his face, eyes narrower than normal as he leaned on one hip, hand never leaving the door knob.

"Eren?" he asked in bafflement. Even his voice felt like a treat...

And suddenly Eren forgot everything he practiced. The instrument felt like a hundred pounds, and he just knew he was red as a beet. The only thing his flustered brain managed to accomplish was a signal to lift the violin and thrust it in the other's direction, never making eye contact.

The raven's frown deepened. Hesitantly, he reached out and took it by the underside, habitually twirling the ring in his lip. A long, quiet moment passed after Eren managed to let go but made no indication to speak or walk away.

"I left this for a reason, Eren," the older said coolly. He continued to hold the case up, almost cradling it.

Eren had to clear his throat before finding his voice. "I know...but it was a gift. I...I want you to keep it," he said, and then tacked on, "Please." Still, he could only seem to watch the floor as much as he wanted to meet Levi's eyes, to fall into those stormy grays at least once more before Levi told him to get lost for good.

"Eren, I don't--"

"I didn't just come to give back the violin," he blurted suddenly. "I wanted to apologize, too. I-I know what I said probably hurt you...a lot. And that's not what I meant to do. I was just afraid, you know? And I don't wanna make all these excuses either but...ah, I know you're sick of hearing this but I'm just so used to people leaving me and I thought you would be different and I started thinking too much and I guess maybe it's some sort of defense mechanism I didn't really know I had because all the sudden you were leaving and maybe I thought it would hurt less if I said stuff like that...but I know all I ended up doing was hurting you more and believe me, I hate myself for it and I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry and that I still want you to have the violin because you deserve it, and I wanted you to know that even though all this crap has happened my feelings haven't changed, but if--"

Eren's babbling cut abruptly off as a warm hand wrapped around his wrist and tugged him forward, causing him to stumble into the room before the sound of the door shutting met his ears. He only looked up just in time to see Levi's face for a split second before another hand wrapped around the back of his neck and another set of lips all but crashed into his own. A surprised yelp pulled from his throat and he reeled, barely able to comprehend what was happening because it happened so fast.

It took a moment, but Eren managed to relax himself enough to allow his lips to mold gently with Levi's. He didn't understand why or how, or when Levi had set his violin down, but in those few seconds of affectionate contact with the other, his insides fluttering and his heart absolutely soaring, he couldn't bring himself to care.

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