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Petra was amused and more than a little thrilled when she found the blanket fort the next morning, the two boys still inside and sound asleep with the cat curled up between them. Lucy almost immediately tore into the little space, excited to wake them up and bringing one of the smaller throw blankets with her in the process. Eren jerked awake with a start just before a wet tongue met his face, startling him fully into consciousness.

In the end, Petra had them tear down their fort (which was already mostly destroyed by the dog, anyway) and put everything back where they'd found it, but never saying they couldn't do it again. In fact, she'd pulled Eren aside and told him she was glad he seemed to be making a friend, glad that he and Levi were getting along so well. He, however, neglected to tell her Levi only initially followed to try and keep him out of trouble.


"How do you feel about this whole amusement park thing?" Levi asked Eren about a week later while they were squished in the very back of Oluo's van on their way to one at that moment.

Eren shrugged lightly. "Never been to one," he admitted. "Why?"

Levi shrugged back, averting his gaze to the passing highway out the window. "No reason," he said.

"You're not excited?"

"Eh," Levi sighed, folding his arms over his chest. "Not a huge fan."

"Will you at least ride one thing with me?" Eren asked, shifting his own weight. His legs were cramped between the seat in front of him and himself - not an overly comfortable position, evidently.

"I'll think about it."

The amusement park was Oluo's treat to them for having been gone so long. Mikasa and Marco had been thrilled while Annie, as usual, was pretty much indifferent. Eren hadn't missed the slight grimace from Levi once they found out where they were going, but he hadn't said anything until that moment.

Levi shifted again a few miles down, sighing irritably. "How did the two tallest of us get stuck in the very back?" he muttered, scowling down at his knees.

Eren chuckled a bit. "You're not that tall," he teased lightheartedly. "At least, for your age."

"Tch. Do you even know how old I am?"


"Hmph. Besides, you at least are the tallest."

Eren shrugged, a way of saying he didn't much mind. For some reason, he'd always liked the very back of the car; it'd been the same with the school bus. He hadn't volunteered for the seat, but once Petra asked him if he minded, he couldn't help but say no. How Levi ended up beside him was a mystery, however.

Levi and Annie were neck-and-neck for being tallest second only to him, and it was clear Marco and Mikasa would've fit better in the back, yet somehow they'd still ended up squished up against the back of the seat in front of them, occupied by the three others behind Oluo, who was driving, and Petra in the passenger seat.

"So...can I ask how old you are?" Eren asked.

Levi's head swiveled from the window toward Eren. "Seventeen."

A frown tugged at Eren's brows, even the corners of his lips just a bit. "But that means-"

"Yeah." His head turned back, his arms tightening a bit. "It means I'll be legal soon, which means I'll have to start supporting myself, and eventually move out on my own whether I'm ready or not."

"You really think Petra will make you do all of that...?"

A shrug. "It's not so much Petra as it is the law or whatever," he muttered under his breath; Eren had to strain to hear him over the sound of the highway and other conversations taking place in the car. "The foster system won't support a legal adult for long."

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