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Yay, I finished my NaNoWriMo, which means more updates (finally)!


Only a few others waited at the train station when they were dropped off. Franz and Hannah took only a few minutes to say goodbye before heading off, though not without Levi making sure to thank them. Once they were gone, though, the two were left to themselves, positioned side by side on the concrete near the tracks to wait for the train.

Eren kept his eyes fixed on the ground in front of him. He couldn't stop thinking of his mother or how grateful he was to have been able to visit her grave again. He wanted to thank Levi, but any good ideas on how to do so evaded his mind and he was left feeling awkward.

A dark spot appeared on the sidewalk just before he felt a drop pelt him in the back of the head and his head snapped up. Sure enough, the clouds that had been rolling in earlier were directly overhead now and it was beginning to rain.

"Want the umbrella?" Levi asked, looking up as well.

"Um, no. That's okay," Eren murmured.

"Sure? You might get sick..."

Eren's eyes met the other's and the impulse hit like a train. One moment he was standing a few inches from the raven, and the next he had his arms thrown around his shoulders, holding tightly.


"Thank you, Levi," he whispered, only holding tighter. "Thank you so much."

"Ah...o-okay, Eren..." Levi mumbled, reaching up to pat his back. "What are you thanking me for...?"

"This. Bringing me here. Letting me see my mom again, and listening to my story."

Despite the constricting grip around his shoulders, Levi relented and lifted his arms to return the embrace. The rain picked up from a light sprinkle to a steady one, and he took a small risk in pressing the lower half of his face into Eren's shoulder. He figured the 'you're welcome' was implied.

The rattle of the train was nearing from the distance and was what caused the two to split apart, though they remained closer than before. Levi didn't miss the new flush in Eren's cheeks before he turned his head to look in the direction of the train. A moment later, it pulled up and people immediately began flooding from the doors. When they boarded, checking their tickets on the way in, Levi automatically headed toward the back where they'd been on the way there. Finding the very back bench occupied, he selected the seat right in front of it, allowing Eren the window seat again before taking their baggage and storing it above their heads and settling in himself, placing his violin between his knees.

Eren shook the water from his hair and shivered a bit.

"Told you you should've used the umbrella," Levi scolded.

Eren merely gave him a pouty face in response before turning toward the window to sulk a bit, because he was, in fact, cold from being wet.

Subtly, Levi maneuvered closer to share a bit of his body heat, surprising the brunet though neither of them said a word, and the train was off merely moments later.

"Levi?" Eren asked after they'd eaten up a few miles.


Eren swallowed nervously as he reached for the older's hand, who accepted his fingers pushing gently between his own and wrapping around his hand. In turn, he curled his own fingers around Eren's, marveling a bit in the way they seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces.

"Will you tell me about your childhood?" Eren went on.

Levi's eyes narrowed as they found Eren's. "You...wanna know about my past?"

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