The Mystery that Saved a Life

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Leo's P.O.V.

It was yet another day, of fighting the Krang. While in the layer, Raph was throwing hits and kicks at the punching dummy, Mickey was playing video games, and Donnie was looking for more information on finding another Krang base. I usually would do my normal routine, but I just didn't feel like meditating, watching Space Hero's, or training  today. I kind wish I had something new to do. Yet it was getting late, soon my brothers and I will go out on patrol. As I was about to get some needed things for patrol, Donnie rushed out of his lab.

"Guys! Guys I found it! It was so simple!"

"Geesh, Donnie calm down," said Raph.

"I found out how to find the krangs bases. The krang have a a signal to all the base. Which is being sent off by the TCRI building."

"Awesome!" Shouted Mikey.

"Well let's get ready, and see what the Krang are up to," I said to my brothers. Later my brother and I were prepared to enter the TCRI building, headed out on patrol.

~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The guy and I entered the TCRI building, and some how we made it to the elevator unseen by any of the Krang. We road the elevator to the top floor, then Mikey started pressing buttons.

Mikey stop you could set off an alarm!

Oh, come on Leo what is the possibility of setting off an alarm in the elevator? Mikey asked as he pressed more buttons.

And right that moment, the alarm went off.

!!! MIKEY !!!

We rushed through the elevator entrance, and found ourselves in a huge Krang lab. Sadly, many of the Krang entered the room. We were surrounded by Krang bots. Me and my brother started fighting for our lives to get out of this mess. Raph was using all of his brute force to take down multiple Krang. Mikey quickly hitting as many Krang as he could and Donnie trying to download Krang info off of their computer. Also, while trying to fend off the ,multiple Krang bots.

More Krang gathered into the building, we were being surrounded by the Krang and greatly outnumbered. Sadly, I was be separated from my brother during the battle. The sounds of clashing metal and battle cries could be heard from a crossed the room, the sound help calm he just a bit to understand that my brother were there. I tried to slowly get to them but it was no use there was to many Krang. In battle I used most of my strength and energy to take down the constantly reappearing aliens. Pain started to ache through my muscle and the worst part was I lost my katanas during battle.

"How in the world am I going to get thought this?"

That very second I battled multiple Krang at one time but couldn't get to the one Krang holding a gun, and ready to use it. I prepared for the impact and sound of it firing. My whole was is going to be put to an end...

!!! Clank !!!

The noise startles me at first but I soon became surprised as I saw A sword embedded in the head of the Krang that was about to fire shots. Without thinking I grab the sword like weapon and start to battle the Krang. I soon after reunited with my brothers.

"Leo stop messing around and let's go," shouted Raph.

We made our retreat but I looked back to see who could have thrown the weapon. All I saw was a a shadow leaving sight on the higher level of the room. There was some one with us and they helped me. Who was this person, and why would they help me? Question racked my mind about the whole situation that just took place. We made our escape from the building, when we got far enough we made a stop. I took the time to look at the sword like weapon that I now had ownership of, yet I was interrupted by Mikey.

"Hey Leo, I found your katana's... Whoa! Where did you get that?"

Mikey question gained the attention of Raph and Donnie.

"That doesn't look like any of the weapons from the dojo, stated Donnie."

"Ya, where did you get it?" Raph asked.

I now had to explain the whole event that just occurred, leaving my brothers in the same questioning state I was. We all were asking question out loud, knowing that the rest of us didn't  know. Like...

Who was watching us and we're they a threat?

Does this person like pizza? Which was obviously asked by Mikey.

Donnie then broke the ranting of questions...

"I think this weapon is a Kabutowari."

"A what?"  Raph irritated questioned.

" Well a kabutowari is a sword like weapon the is mostly found being used in Japan, by some ninjas."

"So the mystery dude is a ninja like us? Awesome!"

I didn't say the man was a ninja, Mikey. I said that...

"Guy I don't know about you but I would like to be back home, before the Krang decide to have a search party! Raphael angrily interrupted.

Raph's right we'll talk about this later, let go!

See fearless even agrees, come on!

I role me eyes, taking my katana's from Mikey. I was still holding the Kabutowari, the sight of it left all my thoughts to one question, who did it belong to?


!AYE-YO!  Fellow Fangirls for my next chapter I am planning to have you meet April and even move in with her. Well you have seen the turtle but you left them wondering about you. Also, to add a hint you'll meet them in a few chapter. I hope you enjoyed!!! P.S. I if you have any opinions on my ideas for the next chapter, I will gladly listen.

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