The Best for the Both of Us

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Your P.O.V.


Did you see the way they fight !?! How can they even exist? What happened to them?

Twizz shut up! I am curious too but you don't see me talking about it for a whole EIGHT HOURS!!!

Geese what climbed in your shoes and died?

Be quiet! You'd be angry too if you were tired, having no place to go, and had to walk for a whole eight hours!!!

Well relax its morning and no one seems to care who you are, so sit a while.

Fine! I sit down releasing some of my worries and questions that surround my mind. Yet it didn't help much knowing Twizz was eager to conversate.


Ugh! What are we going to do!?! We came here without a plan and now we're stranded in a giant city with GIANT TURTLE!?! What the heck!

Hey (Y/N), calm down it'll be okay.

Okay!?! Everything will not be .....

At that second my sentence was cut short with a newspaper, that was flying in the air, hits us smack on the face. Irritated as I was, this made it worse.

Oh, this is just great!

(Y/N) I SAID CALM DOWN!!! Look stop worrying and think positive. You just witnessed something out of the ordinary and survived. Your in a new radiant city that will allow new adventures, and you got me!

Oh goodie! I say sarcastically before I role my eyes.

Don't role your eyes at me! You don't want me to escape your brain and come out there. I'll do it and I will whoop you so hard your words will be begging for...

Huh? Hey, Twizz look!

I grab the newspaper, that once rested on my head, and find small ads for the renting of rooms in some apartments. While, pointing at the ads to show Twizz.

You want us to share an apartment?

It's our only choice beside I still have our old sensei's card, that will supply us with the rent.

Are you sure? You know to some people you are or look completely insane! You almost had a mental break down over a newspaper.

Yes I am sure. Look at this rooms monthly rent and it is even affordable for us.

Okay but who does this apartment belong to?

Some girl named April O'neil.

All right lets go, but don't blame me if she thinks we are totally bonkers!

Time skip to April's apartment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We made it to the apartment, and all I had to do was knock.
So like anyone in that situation, I knocked on the door. I soon here foot steps walking towards the door.

I hope this girl doesn't have any weird fetishes, or something around that line.

Shut it TWIZZ!!!

The door opened and a vibrant yet cheerful voice spoke.

"Hello?" Said the girl, that looks to be my age, she watches me from in the apartment.

Well, she doesn't look like a girl with a fetish.

Ssh! How would you even know what a girl with a fetish looks like?

That easy! They look like you!

Real Classy, Twizz. I say with a blank stare. Connecting back to reality, and reply to the girls greetings.

"Hi are you April O'neil?"

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"Well I saw an ad on a newspaper saying you were renting out a room?"

"Oh well, come in."

The red headed girl jesters for me to walk in to her home. She was wearing a yellow t-shirt with the number five stitched on the front. She was also wearing denim shorts with black leggings underneath. On her feet she was wearing simple brown boots and a yellow hairband on her head. As I looked around the place seemed quite clean besides the few random items left here and there.

"Sorry if I knew guest were coming I would have cleaned up a little." Said the girl.

"Oh no it's fine, this is nicer than what I can do."

She chuckled at my remark, then stating, " So do you like it?"

"Yes I do. I will pay to stay here if that is fitting towards you."

What are you a queen?

Shush your mush!

She chuckled again finding my response a bit comical. "When do you plan to stay here?"


Your not even gonna ask.

April seemed surprised by my answer but she had no objections to it.

"Well if we are going to be living together, what is your name?"

"Oh ya, My name is (Y/N). And just before we share anything I am just going warn you, I can be found to be a little out of the ordinary."

April smiled and replied, "Trust me when I say this. Me too."

I laughed and soon enough April joined in.

Happy now we all are bunch of chuckling, idiots who hardly know each other.

April soon ended her joyful laugh with a question, "Oh one more thing you wouldn't happen to be an alien in a disguise?"

I looked at her with one eyebrow raised, as I took in her strange question.

I knew this wouldn't be perfect there is always a catch to everything. She is probably some kind of alien bounty hunter!

Be quiet I am sure she joking, beside with what we saw last night wouldn't be surprised. I then smile at her and reply with a questioning look.

"No but if you want me to be, I can go glue some googly-eyes to my forehead. Then we can say I am an alien."


April laugh at my comment also " No, we don't have any need for that."

Later after some small talk April finally showed me to my room.

With that April asks, " Hey you seem pretty fun to be around. I think I will enjoy having you around. Maybe... Would you like to be friends?"

That stunned me, no has ever asked me or Twizz to be there friend.

She cool, say ya.

"Sure, you seem quite cool yourself. Oh and thank you."

"No problem." April replied.

See thing are fine getting better for us (Y/N).


!Aye-Yo! This Chapter was just for you to gain a place to stay and for you became friends with April! Also, a little sneak peak to next chapter, your finally going to meet one of the turtles, or all of them I haven't decided yet. !!!YAY!!! If you have any opinion on which turtle you should meet, please tell. Thank for Reading!

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