Quirkiness with Shells

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(Y/N)'s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This night Twizz was sleeping, lucky her! While I am found in this new topic of giant turtles, April, and Sleep. It was late April invited the turtles into her apartment. Which they seem to quickly make theirselves at home. The turtle named Raphael, I think, sat on the couch. Donetello decided to stand behind Raph on the sofa, while Mikey immediately jumped onto the furniture laying his feet on Raph. The Red banded turtle obliged to Michelangelo with a slap to the head. Which I happily chuckled towards. Leonardo on the other hand was watching my reactions and movements towards his brothers in the kitchen.Yet what he doesn't know I was trained to keep an eye out too, so my watch was focus towards him. April made herself comfortable on the mini one seater sofa. I really don't know why I called it that but I probably lost my marble long ago, and I don't really care. The room was silent, and thank the lord April is great at breaking the ice.

"So guys why don't you explain yourselves to (Y/N)." April more stating then questioning.

"Okay, (Y/N) let me explain...well...us!" Says Donetello, as I nod politely.

Alright I'm awake now! And it's still dark...

Really you had to wake up right now!

Well somebody didn't wake up on either sides bed today.

When this is over, your going to pay for that!

Yeah right!

Shut up Twizz, I'm trying to pay attention!

I start to listening to Donetello explain his and his brothers back story (Which I'm to lazy to type, so will leave it at that). I started to feel bad for their situation with this so called Foot Clan, and the Krang. But in the end I really wasn't that curious about them being turtles or their background.

That's only because you can't function when your tired!

Ugh... Leave me alone...


Finally when Donetello finished his story, he asked if I had question or what I thought about it all.

Ha! You thinking, your brain is capable of thinking!

We share a brain you dingus...

Oh...right... I forgot...

I answer Donetello with one more question, that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

"So, What's with the masks?" I questioned.

All of them giving me strange looks, for that being my only question. So now a goal has been forged up from the darkest parts in my brain and I became determined to make them laugh!

Hahahaha!?! Why!?!

" Uh... Sorry if that's a weird question," while looking straight towards the turtle on the couch. They'll be my first victims!

"It's just I don't get it your mask don't hide anything, we all can tell your giant mutant reptiles. If you wear them so others can tell you apart then that's sad because every one in the world whose bad with name would never be able to tell you guys apart! But then again I am really super bad with names (It's true!). Is it just a style thing or just four pieces of fabric passed down from generation? When I see your mask I see fruits, I don't know about you...


Raphael gave me a strange look, but Michelangelo abruptly laughed louder then any being could laugh.

"Hahahahahaha... OMS...hahahaha...your just great! Hahaha... "

Donetello and April started laughing also but it was nothing compared to Mikey.

Leonardo gave me a chuckle, which doesn't count! Now I still have two targets, I will get them to laugh whether I tell jokes or they laugh at my stupidity.

There definitely going to laugh at you, not with you!

Why are you so mean!!!


Because, what?


Okay, Alright. Geesh.

Once the laughter subsides Donetello answered my question. " We were the mask because we like to."

"Oh..." I say with no enthusiasm, what so ever.

"Why did you relate their mask to fruit?" April asked all knowingly, that I would be giving an answer to start another up roaring.

I hope they think we're weird so we can go to bed.

I answer, "Well April, Donatello's mask is purple, so I thought of him as a grape! Michelangelo has an orange mask, so in the name, he is an orange!" Mickey already started laughing again. I turn my head straight towards the two turtle that did not laugh. I gave them a look that was so serious that their faces should have melted off. I spoke in a stern yet serious voice, and the room goes silent awaiting my next move...

This is going to be good!

"And you two are little tiny berries... Raph your a STRAW-ng Berry, and Leo your in the Blues Berry. Puff...Hahahahahahahaha!?!"

What? That was awful... Hehe...

Yeah but now I can't stop laughing. I was DETERMINED!!! Hahahaha!!!

In the end my goal was completed and and I made everyone laugh! Even if I ended up falling on the floor with Mickey. But as the laughter died down, I slowly knew what was coming next. My turn to explain our past.

Yeah, and I am just worried about the fact that we are the most boring people on the planet!

Leo's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wow, she's  very different for any girl we have met. I can see many thing in her but still I know nothing. Not only is she quite beautiful, but she has a childish side which I can relate to Michelangelo. She also show small signs of strength, and knowledge. That stunt she pulled just now, does make her a little quirky, but that's okay.  Yet Is she the one who saved me, and if so why? Her personality doesn't line up with, her being able to protect herself. I'll have to find out. But in the end I just hope she doesn't become one of my brothers friends, that ends up on my list of people to protect. But now we will truly find out who she is, and what to do with her...

!Aye-Yo! I regret nothing with those puns! I was inspired by the photo at the top, they're just so cute!!! (Squealing internally) I Hope you enjoyed, you made the turtles a little more comfortable with you, and a blue-banded turtle seems to find you very interesting compared to the rest. Next chapter it's your turn to explain, thanks for reading!

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