Starring at Answers

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Leonardo's P.O.V.


Its been a few days since that fiasco at the TCRI building, and even now I am still wondering about this mystery person. Whom I guess you can say saved me.I still have the Kabutowari from that night, and sometimes I find myself staring at for what seems like hours. Yet I can't think of that now! Today after training Donnie received a text from April, which was of her asking to hang out with us. Right now, me and my brothers all seem to agree with the idea. We all head out and Donnie called April to tell her will meet at her house. Yet from what I heard from Donnie's side of the call that she said not to.

"April said to meet at Mr. Murakami's," Donnie announced.

"Why can't we just meet at her at her apartment?" asked Raph.

"She said she tell us when we met."

"Aw-Yah gettin' some pizza gyozas!"Mikey chanted excitedly.

Time Skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We finally made it and there April was waiting for us.

"Hey guys!" waved April while willingly giving a sweet smile, which Donnie immediately fell for.

"What's Up?" Raph asked.

"Nothing much but lets go inside. I have something I want to tell you guys."

"Alright." I answer.

We were inside Mr. Murakami's and Mikey was already ordering everyone some pizza gyozas.

"So April what did you want to tell us?" I asked.

"Oh Right! I am sharing the apartment with another girl, and she has been staying with me for a few days now."

"What's her name?" the purple-band turtle asked.

"Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), and she very nice to be around."

Is that why we couldn't meet at your apartment, dudette?" 

"Yeah, but I just needed to tell you guys that you all can't just walk into my home anymore, sorry."

"It's no problem April."Raph said.

We were talking and Mikey was stuffing if face with pizza gyozas. We were all having a great time but it started getting late and we decide it would be better to walk April home. After a few blocks we finally made it to April's apartment building and Donnie carried April to the roof of the building. With all of us following close behind. It was a good thing to because Mikey started to poke and prod at Raph's shell. 

"Mikey leave Raph alone!" I warned.

But annoyingly Mikey kept pushing Raph's buttons and Donnie, April, and I all knew the recurring event.

"MIKEY!!!" Raph screamed as he started chasing Mikey around the roof. 

Aprils laughing at the childish event, Donnie's looking at them with a straight face, and i am just shaking my head in disappointment. Raphael was now tackling Michelangelo multiple times and Mikey always wriggling his way out of the angry turtles grasp. Each time Mikey hit to the ground by Raph a loud thumping sound was made. 

"Common guys you're going to wake some one up or worse get caught!" I yelled with frustration.

Luckily they both stopped the silly antics.

"Relax Leo were not gonna get cau-" Raph was cut off by the sound of the roofing door opening.

"Yes I am sure!"

There stood a girl who seemed to be frozen with shock, but to be honest so were we. No one was moving, it was almost like our lives depended on staying still. Yet my attention was on the girl. She seemed flawless, she had big sparkling (E/C) eyes, and (H/L) silky (H/C) hair. I was fearful about what was going to happen but my eyes were some what drawn to the female. She was equally staring at everything around her at the moment, which almost seemed vigilant.

April was the first to break the silence. " Uh... Hey (Y/N) what are you doing up, so late."

Wait as in the (Y/N) April was telling us about! (Y/N) seemed to be calming herself down, which would be a normal reaction in her situation. Yet her answer seemed to be the opposite from calm.

"WHAT AM I DOING? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? IT'S 1:00 IN THE STINKIN' MORNING AND YOU AND YOU ARE MAKING A RUCKUS WITH FOUR GIANT TURTLES!?!" She yelled, but sounding like she is more concern about the sleep she could be having then there being four giant turtles near her.

Donnie tries to resolve the the outburst," Ma'am please calm down, we can explain!"

"SHUT IT STRING BEAN!" The girl angrily spits out.

"(Y/N) CALM DOWN!!!" April yelled.

The girl seemed to calm her self down by this, and looking as if she felt bad for calling Donnie a string Bean? Which she then apologized. Donnie then forgave the (H/C) haired girl.

Mikey was the first to embrace her, but I literally mean embraced her. You could almost here the air being squeezed out of her lungs. Raph entering the situation intervened Mikey's death hug. She then gave him a thankful smile, and for some weird reason I felt a little jealous. Mikey was now disrespectfully introducing us and I continued to stand in the background. Mikey soon started to ramble, thankfully she stopped him.

"Look it is nice meeting you all again but it's late and I am..."

"Wait...Again?" She saw us before! How could that be possible? Could she be working with some one? How could she have seen us, without us seeing her?

Her statement got everyone's attention, and the look on her face read that she didn't mean to tell us that. Raph started to show signs of anger, which means he was probably jumping to conclusions. But we waited for her to explain herself.

She took a deep breath and started to explain. " Well the other night I saw the four of you fighting these aliens called the Krang! I watched for a little while until I found an exit and left."

That... that means... was she the one that through the Kabutowari? Was this that so called person that mainly saved me?

"Wait, you were at TCRI?" I asked.

"Why were you even there?" Donnie asked.

"Well you see..." before she could answer Raph was already joining anger-fest.

"She was probably spying on us, she probably works for the Shredder!" Raph loudly stated.

She looked confused when Raph mentioned the Shredder, Mikey started to stick-up for her and Raph disagreeably back off. 

April was now trying to get us inside, we have been standing here for a while and there will be less chance of getting seen.

So, we all decided to discuss this in Aprils apartment, and me my brothers head for Aprils window.

"Hey Leo!" Mikey said.

"What?"I answered.

"Why were you staring at her like that?"

"I was staring?"

"OMS!( which means Oh My Shell)  You thought she was hot!"

Raph grumbled at this comment, while Donnie snickered.

"No it Doesn't!" Giving a stern look towards Mikey.

Yet he only laughs, "This is going to be hilarious!"

"This is going to be a long talk," Donnie sighs.

"You got that right." I reply also with a sigh.


!Aye-Yo! I know I haven't posted in a while and I am sorry for that. I was having writers block and school work has been through the roof. Anyway my fellow fangirls, I decided you should see what was going through Leonardo's head. Next Chapter You'll be discussing what happens next. Thank you so much reading, and I hope you enjoy.

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